Mar 13, 2009 02:25
No, I have not seen the film. My dad and mom watched it. I wanted to, but ended up staying home with Cassie (mostly to convince her not to see the film because it was not rated for kids.). Now I think I may have lucked out by not seeing it, lol. Someone left this very heartfelt comment on Yahoo!movies and I thought I would share it with you: "I'd rather watch sh*t float in my toilet!" I almost fell out of my chair when I read that! (they even had the * in there I didn't edit it for you, lol). ^_^ I never would have thought to write that, lol.
In other news: my disc priest in WoW is almost 28. I am taking a break from seriously playing my druid (I know burnout hit early... didn't it?). I healed two instances on my Priest (VC and Stockades) and have been leveling with Jeth's alts (tonight he played his shammy). I don't know why, but sometimes Main Characters just need to rest, and the babies need to get out and get some better gear. Who knows... I might try to level this priest to 80 and pwn as a disc priest in BGs (lol yeah right. We all know I suck at pvp). But it would be nice to have an alternative to playing Keava all the time and Keavar (my priest who is human and not creatively named) is my JC. I've never really had a JC before so it will be cool to make my own junk when I get her old enough to make things worth having.
I guess I could level Korrbin, but I don't wanna. She annoys me in instances. I could never be a Full Time warlock.
Still no Baron mount. It's hopeless. >.< Taking a hiatus from running that hole before I end up petitioning a GM and pulling my hair out about the unfairness of the drop system. Not to mention I don't like running it and I'm sick of it... but you knew that already. I have been complaining about this forever now.
My vacation is almost over and it makes me sad to think that I am gonna have to go back to work. :(