Well.. I figure I will post something here considering it is almost the new year and I haven't in god knows how long..
Ask and you shall recieve, I got a job at the reception desk on July 10th for the Department of Public Safety, some nice boring work.. which I apparently did well enough to warrant a upgrade (promotion) or position. Now I am working in the Accounts payable section of Financial Services for DPS. Unfortunately it is only a Casual Position, which means I have to acheive my Full Time Status. Hopefully everything comes up pickles and I get a competition openned to keep my job!
They are training me on financial systems so that might be a good sign.. unfortunately I didn't pursue a business degree and therefore have no educational leverage!
I did however, finally recieve my Arts Degree, I required that one ridiculous history class since I dropped the Anthropology from my degree (due to a supreme lack of 4th year Anthro offerings) I recieved the degree in the mail, because I totally did not want to go and stand in line at Graduation, so I totally skipped and worked instead.
The apartment is swank, if not completely too dirty.. today we are planning on giving it a thorough cleaning! Most needed!
It is just about time to go, so here is a pretty un updated list of my movies currently
http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=22200449 I do intend on giving it a good ol update soon,
Until soon! I promise.. not that people on here are those who I don't talk to regularly