Reccing for Hikago

Nov 11, 2007 02:41

Sooo....I've just volunteered to do a round of recs for Hikaru no Go in crack_van during Small Fandom Month in December. I'm not sure when the go ahead will come (or even if it will), but I'm excited about it. *g*

Crack Van caps the recs at 12 per month per fandom, with no WIPs allowed. The number cap is a big issue; there is a lot of HnG favs I really want to rec. To limit myself, I did not consider stories by authors who had previously been recced there (i.e. supacat, mousapelli, akaiblush, starlighter, aishuu, issen4, thehoyden), no crossovers, and have tried to keep the AUs to a minimum. Thus, I've compiled a tentative list of possible recs.

In the Forests of the Night by Murinae (murinae)
Honestly, THE gateway fic. I read this without knowing who Hikaru or this Sai was. Murinae's comment that Sai was a little OOC made no sense to me when I read it. After having viewed canon, I can see where she's coming from - but the character interpretation is entirely understanable in light of what's happening in the story. As I'm a lover of folklore and mythical beings, I especially adored this story. And in addition, Murinae takes everything, and makes it all so profound.

Fujiwara by Cat Who (catwho)
A great adventure story with Hikaru. I remember reading this story on the heels of Murinae's ItFotN when I was looking for more story on Sai and Hikaru, and really loving how Hikaru reinstates his mentor's name. And it has time-travel, which is always a big win with me. *g*

Going Under by Aphrael (silverthunder)
This is the perfect ghost story. The sink scene is absolutely horrifying, and scared me for hours after. In fact, throughout the piece, Aphrael very cleverly only showed the ghost indirectly and let the reader's imagination do the rest. And I just love how Sai is revealed in the resolution. Incredibly scary, but on the level of the classic The Omen or Sixth Sense, and utterly poignant in the ending.

Ghost & That Which Watches from the Shadows by Misha (mcsnapdragon)
Mistaken but absolutely understandable interpretation of clues are especially fun stories to read, especially when the audience knows differently from the main character. And I thought that this interpretation Akira makes of Hikaru's mysterious appearing and disappearing go playing skills to be extremely apt.

Things that Never Happened by Pru (rageprufrock)
Some of the AUs in this series resonated more with me than others. My favorite has to be girl!Hikaru for its meta on the relationship between Akira and Hikaru and how society interprets it depending on circumstances. The one with the dead!Hikaru is absolutely heartbreaking, and oh, so wrong. Also, the look at the Nobu!ghost may very well be the first variant of the psychotic!Sai stories that now permeate the HnG fandom with delicious darkness.

Just Breathe by Ju (reality_is)
This is an absolutely short and hilarious fic. Because, yes, Shindo Hikaru would react like that to any *cough* distraction coming from Touya Akira. And it definitely uses all those Hikaru and Akira get-together fics to advantage. *g*

A Proof by Contradiction by Sabina (petronia)
I always compare this fic in my mind to Koi's Smallville story Mercy. For reasons I've not fully parsed out, these two stories occupy the same place in their respective fandoms. Possibly, because it feels very much like a science fiction classic. The open ending is something that is not too often used in fanfic, but when is employed, is often unbelievably gut-wrenching. There are at least two different readings I can take of the story: the Supernatural reading that Akira really was working with ghost!Hikaru, and that the technically-impossible construction of the program is possible only because of this supernatural interference; or the one I prefer, that Akira was crazed with grief and poured all his prodigious ability into a computer program in order to find Hikaru again. But it didn't appear to have worked, because the beginning of the story makes clear that Akira killed himself afterwards, or is otherwise no longer there for the researcher to contact.

Caught in a Ladder by Sinnatious
A long and suspenseful psychological horror story that really pushed both Hikaru and Ogata to their individual breaking points. The tension never lets up. And while it does make a monster of a character I hate to see so often maligned in the HnG fandom (i.e. Ogata), the progression is utterly understandable in this case.

My Stranger, My Son by Betulaleafminer (betulaleafminer)
This is a quiet and understated fic that really showcases Hikaru and what he perceives to be important in life. Simultaneously, it's a rare look at Hikaru's always absent father and the things he's had to give up that Hikaru is never going to.

The Brief and Abridged History of Ko Yongha by Maaya (chaineddove)
My Ko Yongha love came from this story. He barely registered in my mind when I was reading the Hokuto Cup Arc in the manga, other than as a pretty face who looked remarkably like Light Yagami. But this story showed me a new love. *g* Also, though Yongha/Hikaru seemed a natural progression, I would never have imagined pairing Yongha with Yashiro. But in hindsight, definitely workable.

Unsent Letter by Tari Gwaemir (tarigwaemir)
The beautiful, lyrical prose of this letter caught me first. It has an atmosphere that is characteristic of her writing. However, it is the conclusion that Akira comes to at the end of the letter that is what takes this fic above and beyond a lovely vignette, and to a perfect meta on Akira's character and his relationship with Hikaru.

Dulce Et Decorum Est by Macey Muse (macey_muse)
For the poignant look at Akari and the potentially disastrous consequences of Sai's obsession that is so seldom addressed. It's fun to read stories like the "Two Princes" universe, but this is an all too believable look at what actually would have happened if it had been Akari instead of Hikaru who saw Sai. Because Akari has no innate genius for the game, but can neither reject Sai's demands nor accept Sai's accomplishments as her own. She can only be slowly submerged beneath the weight of Sai's gift and Sai's obsession, until the last of her remaining self makes a unconscious play for freedom by stepping off that curb.


I'm going mostly for the gen and non-shippy stories as a way to introduce newcomers to the Hikaru no Go fandom. Actually, with the exception of a few fics, the above list reads remarkably like how I got into the HnG fandom a year ago. And I've been enjoying it ever since. *g*

ETA: I just realized that neqs commented before me to do HnG recs. *head-desk*

I can't tell you how simultaneously silly and disappointed I feel right now. Well, at least I can rest better knowing I've done service to some of my favorite fics by reccing them here - in the extremely unlikely case that anyone on my HnG flist hasn't already read them.

Maybe I should better spend my time sending feedback to the above-mentioned authors, or - hey, work on all those holiday writing challenges whose deadlines are looming up.

Or sleep. Oblivion sounds good at this point.

*trudges off to bed*

ETA2: *hugs everyone* neqs has been oh so gracious and let me take the HnG reccing request for December. *glee glee glee*

fandom: hikaru no go, rec: hng, rec

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