Dec 06, 2010 16:37
Me: "University Health Center, this is Corbae, how may I help you?"
IAII (Ignorant Anti-Immunization Idjit): "Um.. I have a hold and I have 1 measles, but I have a opt out right in my home state so I want to do that here."
Me: "Okay, well Iowa doesn't have an 'opt out' and instead you must complete documentation for a medical or religious reason."
IAII: "Yeah, so I want to do that. I have a religious reason that is I can't have process heavy metals..."
Me: "Okay, you might want to stop and organize your thoughts, you are about to say several things that do not jive, and I don't want you to misspeak yourself."
IAII: "Okay" 35 seconds pass
IAII: "I can't get a second Measles shot."
Me: "Okay, you can get a measles titer, which is a blood test that looks for antibodies to the measles, or you can have your regular medical provider complete the State of Iowa Medical Exemption form, the link is on our website."
IAII: "Okay, but I can't metabolize heavy metals."
Me: "Right, so you will need to either receive a titer, and it come back positive, or you will need to go to our website, print the State of Iowa form and have your regular medical provider complete it and fax it to our office."
IAII: "If you would stop and listen to me...... I CAN NOT HAVE THE MEASLES SHOT..."
Me: "So, you would need to follow my...."
IAII: "If you would just stop being rude and listen to my issue.... I Can't get the measles shot. I have a very rare condition that can not metabolize heavy metals..."
Me: "Okay, so a titer or a medical exemption..."
IAII: "Why do you have to be rude? I'm telling you I CAN"T DO *insert hysterical whining*.."
Me: *click*
Nope, he didn't call back. I /love/ when they want to argue.... I mean this guy /really/ wanted an argument... so badly I didn't even have to take part in the argument. :)