Mar 25, 2005 09:38
heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy. I'm bored. my mommy had to talk to me about something but then she got on the phone so I have to wait for her to stop talkin and you know how grown women can talk so I figured I'd have enough time to come talk to you guys.
Last night!!!!!! I finished off my piece of Chocolate Wave cake from Red Lobster.................. ooooooh my God it was sooooo good. I feel guilty..... I did some crunches and I shall do more.... gottta keep it tight. if it aint tight, it aint right...... okay well it's not tight yet but whatever.... I don't wanna have booty do like some other people I've seen.
red called me last night talkin about he wanted to get wit me tonight and drink somethin........ come on now.... he knows that I'm not about to chill wit him just to drink somethin sooooooo I shall not. I shall be a good girl :-)
Lawrence called me last night too tryin to get wit me tonight..... he wanted to chill wit me at his house early tonight and then go to chaos........ FIRST of all, I can't chill at his house because there will be chaos before chaos. SECOND, I'm not even old enough to go to chaos. He said he keeps forgetting that I'm 17. He always just assumes I'm 18. well I'm not! I actually would go to chaos because I wanted to go there before I left for atlanta but the thing is I won't be 18 by then..... anybody know anyone who makes fake IDs????? hehe.
Tre keeps callin. I just ignore his calls altogether.
DJ keeps callin.... oh wait he's supposed to. tee hee hee. yea, my anger at him was temporary. lovey smiley faces now. yay! oooooooooooh I need to call my other honey bunch to see if she and I can do something this weekend.
Hey, you know what I just realized???? We go back to school in 3 days..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! dammit, who's read their book for abernathy???? I've been reading... not done yet.
Events comin up:
April 22: SGA spring carnival *after school... fun fun for everyone!!*
April 23: prom night...... goody
May 20: graduation 6:30 pm Alabama theater
mommy's goin out of town today... she's leavin in like 15 min..... *sniff* I'll miss my mommy. bye guys