It is here:
And Here:
And Here too:
And especially here:
I will admit, I fill my life full of busyness- all of those things that ABSOLUTELYNEEDDONERIGHTNOW! (I took all the spaces out so you could feel the urgency.) We all know that a busy life is not necessarily a full life. We can fill our lives with busyness and miss out on what is really important.The pictures I have above are all places where I really felt -still.
"Be still and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10
Being still is such an important part of our relationship with Christ. Think about a close relationship you have- a friend, a family member, a spouse. Do you walk up to that person- rattle off a few thanks, a whole lot of requests, and then walk away? Whew, that would be a lopsided and rough relationship! It is so important to listen!
It is so sad- with the wonderful technological advances we have- we have COMPLETELY lost the ability to just sit still and do nothing, letting the voice of God speak over us. Have you ever read the book Eat Pray Love ? In the book, the author writes about how she is searching for inner peace by living at an Ashram in India. She is expected to sit still and QUIET for very long periods of time. This does not go well- she breaks out into constant giggly fits, feels as though her brain is going in 8 different directions.
I think I just made my point. When is the last time you went a full day- a full week- without facebook, online blogs, texting, cell phones, even *gasp* television?
How do we expect God to talk to us when we block Him out so efficiently?