I'm stealing this straight from
quillory because she's just finished with it. Bwahahahahaha!
Day 01: Something you're looking forward to this year.
Day 02: Something you regret not having done last year.
Day 03: Something with which you struggle.
Day 04: Something that is part of your routine that you enjoy.
Day 05: Something in life that gives you balance.
Day 06: Something that excites you and fills you with joy.
Day 07: Something you could never live without.
Day 08: Something you wish you could tell someone.
Day 09: Something you wish people would know about you.
Day 10: Something at which you've been a champion or the best.
Day 11: Something about which people seem to compliment you.
Day 12: Something you hope to change about yourself and why.
Day 13: Discuss some of the things on your bucket list.
Day 14: Someone who has made your life worth living.
Day 15: A band/musical artist whose music impacted your life.
Day 16: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
Day 17: Someone with whom you shared a friendship/relationship that simply drifted out of your life.
Day 18: Someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life.
Day 19: Something that shook your belief system to its core (a big disappointment in your life).
Day 20: Discuss your favorite movie and why it's so special to you.
Day 21: Write about your best friend (not significant other) and what makes them special.
Day 22: Describe a dark/turbulent moment in your life.
Day 23: Describe a truly spiritual moment in your life.
Day 24: Discuss a spontaneous moment in your life that that turned out to be fantastic.
Day 25: Discuss something you planned that ended up not being what you expected.
Day 26: How do you handle/deal with both success and failure?
Day 27: What is your vocation (why are you here on earth)?
Day 28: What is your biggest dream in life (what one great thing do you want to accomplish)?
Day 29: What WAS your biggest dream in life (you wanted to do as a kid but no longer can)?
Day 30: Someone in your family that means so much to you.
Day 31: Epilogue: Write a letter to yourself.
And...Day 1. Because I feel like writing because I neglect you all so much.
Day 01: Something you're looking forward to this year.
Do I have to pick just one? Because I have at least a couple things...maybe I should just list them all out.
-Eurovision 2011!!!
quillory (and hopefully
timemachineyeah because she said so on Facebook *gasp*) and I are going to watch it (hopefully with a bunch of friends) and it's going to be awesome! (Even if Finland's entry this year sucks...just as long as there's the entry from Estonia that we're hoping for, we'll be happy.)
-My senior thesis. As odd as that sounds, I'm excited to start on it because I love research, and it gives me a sense of finality because this is one of the very last things I have to do before I'm finished with undergrad. But...I'm still not really sure what I'm going to write about. The tricky part of it is that I have to spend half my time working on it through correspondence since I'm planning on being in Finland for my last semester.
-My 21st birthday. Besides the obvious reasons, it will also be a good cause to get all my friends together for one last thing before I leave the U.S. for a few months.
-Technically next year and not this year, but FINLAND!!!!!!!!!
Is that enough for you? :)
I'm smack-dab in the middle of the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, though I'm almost done with it. I'm recording high school performances tomorrow, then on Sunday I get to help tear down the main stage. Yay, manual labor. But...I get lots of extra income from this month. And I had to work on Presidents' Day, so I get time and a half for that day. Yay, money!
Cute guy I've been seeing. We're having a third date, which is going to consist of us going to Zeppoz and making asses of ourselves while we attempt to bowl. I can already tell this is going to be fun. :) And otherwise my main mode of communication with him has been texting because I've been busy as hell for the past couple of weeks. I do enjoy how we're taking it slowly, though. Considering I didn't know him at all before, I definitely want to make friends with him before we go past the relationship threshold. Buuuuut...I think this'll work. Because he's informed, intelligent, meshes with my brand of sarcasm, always looking to learn something new, and pretty damn cute. :) And I feel just natural with him...I don't have butterflies and I'm not going completely out of my head over this, and my gut tells me that's a very good sign. :)
And it's late, so mun pitäisin mennä nukkumaan. I have to be at my site by 07:45 or so! Hyvää yötä, ystäviäni! <3