
Apr 11, 2008 01:16

I can't ever EVER think of good titles... that and I never EVER post here cause I'm that lazy and got nothing to say really >>; guess I'll just spout out some useless crap and see if anyone can relate LOL

Well recently I've been pretty bummed about not getting to go to A-Kon since many people are going (well damn just about everyone in the known region that I've met or know infact!) and I'm just feeling left out even though I know if I was there, nobody would notice me. I'm also saddened because I usually enjoy taking pictures the most and the experience and hanging around people I won't get to see for another year or more... cause A-Kon, the con itself, SUCKS ASS majorly.

My sis and I have been trying to hit the gym but thanks to my job, that requires a HUGE ammount of manual labor, my arms are FAR TOO SORE now to do ANYTHING. They're both bruised up from getting hit by boxes and of corse other things I don't remember, and my legs are beat up too x__x; oh boy... I need to be more careful. We plan to hit it HARD CORE so we can look like normal human beings by the time AnimeFest rolls around (though I doubt anyone is going to that just despite my sis and I cause everyones going to A-Kon heh ^^;;; )

I've also been a cartoon-a-holic lately, not being able to make it through the day if I don't get to watch Storm Hawks *which if you don't watch it, YOU SHOULD... Stork ftw!*, Transformers Animated *which if you don't watch it, seriously, You're MISSING OUT majorly and also... Starscream with Tom Kenny's voice is AMAZING I don't CARE if he voices SpongeBob he doe a DAMN GOOD JOB! Just like the guy who voices Sarquiss does Chucky Cheese... he STILL does an AMAZING JOB!*, and several adult swim shows but mostly Frisky Dingo which I watched episodes of it here and there, but I bought the first season boxset and laughed SO DAMN Hard... how could I NOT Like Killface? He's So my favorite kind of character!! <3 I've also been on ebay like a vulture... picking off items and buying them quickly to fill my toy obsession... that I am probably not kidding O_O; I also plan to get that Sogeking POP OMFG <3

OH and another thing (who the hell's still reading this!???????) the 12th Annual Renn Fair (can't spell that word >> heh... ) is happening every weekend in May and my sis and I are definately going the first weekend *since I requested off heh* so let me know if you're going or anything ^__^ I know I asked a few people, but I doubt they really wanna go but lemme know ;__; we're trying to get Lynn to go if she can, but I know it's quite a distance for her or even for Pirate Neko if she would be able to go, but I wish everyone I know would go!! It's just fun and we might even dress up I dunno.

I guess other than that I got nothing to say... Been drawing stuff I doubt anyone would wanna see since it's NOT fan art, and I've been slowly getting Sarquiss together, though I've got no incentive really since the next con I'm going to is 5 monthes away =_= that's like over kill on the time I"d need to put it together, even Moria I'm sure I could get done in a HELL of a lot less time so I guess I'm just bummed ^^; Also I think I'm gonna be the worlds UGLIEST Sarquiss though my sis tells me I won't, and I'm really only doing it for her ;___; sorry i'm not done yet sis!! *cries*

uh... That's it... also is there ANY WAY IN HELL someone could PLEASE tell me how to do a cut into a journal so that this MASSIVE MONSTER isn't displayed for everyone to see unless they wanna read it and what not? I know several of you know how, but you never sent it to me ;3; *pokes Youshi* when you get time could you tell me how to make a LJ cut? ^__^

take it easy everyone >3<;;

ps I forgot to mention, thank you all so much for your concern for my moms kitty Pansy. I should've wrote a journal before now, but she passed on that same day, probably not an hour later u_u I feel bad there was nothing I could do, but I'm sure she's in a better place ;__; but I still miss her!

craptacular, boring, long boring crap, crap

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