Things to come

May 21, 2013 00:45

I will be posting a long due update on Wednesday. But for those who want a sneak peak, I updated my Flickr account. Many pictures, mostly of my artness, and still more to come.

I will post about:
My summer plans
My health
Fun links from long ago because I have too much stuff from friends I don't speak to anymore. Cleaning out the email is good.
My new art/weight loss/support group.
How much I lurve my Mac
My after I graduate plans (1MOREYEARICANDOTHIS)

There will be an I love books post.

Until then I am cleaning and rearranging my house to get rid of things and store the things I wish to keep properly. Ryan and I altered the library to be a library/ workout room.
And for those who care, All A's (structural drawing, life drawing, Iranian cinema, art of the book) except a B+ in Woodworking 2. Hand cut dovetails and mortise and tenons. I did it, but it wasn't pretty:)

Wednesday is also see the New Star Trek day. Also I LOVED this Dr. Who season. Loved.

That is all until it is not:)
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