The 6th & final part of the Ganesa Comic!! Read, enjoy, comment, laugh... whatever, to your hearts content, and fogive me for the boring font & lack of other details that may have been in the previous installments, but since I a different graphics program now, I'm a little more limited >.>;
... well, it's over.
You may notice: I only used one font (lazy), the highlights in Kaoru's hair have gone (lazy, couldn't find the right brush to add them in), and that you didn't find out who Ninja-kun is!! Unfair isn't it? I know, but I had planned from pretty much from the very beginning that Ninja-kun was to be an anonymous ninja, and even if you ask me, not even I know who he is. I'll leave it to your imaginations! Everyone can have their own opinion of who Ninja-kun is ;D
Oh well, I had alot of fun drawing this comic & all the previous installments, it's been a great passtime xD
♠ I'd like to thank everyone who read & commented, I'm glad you enjoyed the comic so much :D/
♠ Stay tuned for a Ninja-kun special which will only be posted to my artjournal (not
jrockhumor, since it won't have anything to do with Jrock... really).
♠ There will be more comics, so fear not 8D/