May 27, 2006 11:30
Eep! oh well, that didn't work out too well did it. No new picture yesterday as i was at work from 9 till 6 then went sraight on to the cinema to watch X:3 then bed! And as I'm at work till 4 today then straight onto some pub to join Steve's Birthday crawl till we pss out it doiesn't look like there's gonna be a new pic today either. Wow, having a social life really impoacts on your doodling time. I think i'm gonna cut my losses and declare monday the start of 'O'Neil Week'. O'Neil is the third and final main character in the film and represents somethig i haven't had a lot of experience drawing, a normal person. O'Neil is a noir detective through and through. If, in the triptych nature of the story, The Houreglass represents the sterotypical, classical super hero, and The Gasman equates to the conflicted Western hero, caught between two worlds he can never truly commit to without fear of compromising himself, then O'Neil is the thouroughly human character in the world. He has no powers, no gadgets and experiences very human pains. His feet hurt, his head aches, he coughs and tries to keep himself constantly medicated. So starting monday lets try and get a pic of O'Neil up everday so i can get a handle on the character