Woo! it would be so cool to play D&D again after all these years... in fact it would be v cool indeed just to meet up again before you escape. I'm rubbish at getting in touch and meeting up and stuff but if we're both in roughly the same place it could work...
My home phone number is the same as it always was (I should have your number somewhere, if it's the same, but I will have to check the bit of paper was not thrown away), so, uh, call me sometime. Or I'll call you. Or we'll both forget or get distracted by cats or something. *grin*
Rory! I'm sure I saw him on the bus, only I wasn't sure enough to actually go up to him and say "are you Rory?"...
anytime when i'm not online *grin* well, not early in the day, obviously.
home phone number's in the book (we are the only goodyears in the reagon, STILL) - mobile is 07817 880 214 but only works on the top floor (bloody hills)..
I could play D&D but I'm only here until mid-September and I'd have to bug the parents until they agreed to ferry me places :D
Yes, we should meet up. I am mostly free during weekdays.
Btw, other D&D people so far include Rory Bax (remember him?) and my sister, tho she's never role-played before ever...
anytime when i'm not online *grin* well, not early in the day, obviously.
home phone number's in the book (we are the only goodyears in the reagon, STILL) - mobile is 07817 880 214 but only works on the top floor (bloody hills)..
you know, I could just call now before I forget again?
*addicted to t'internet..*
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