May 07, 2007 22:32
Yes! Time for another sporadic insight into the life of Cora.
As per usual, I should be working on a paper right now, but I left the assignment sheet...somewhere that is not here. Probably at Adam's. "So, what is Cora up to?" you may find yourself asking. Apart from sneezing and growing my hair out, I'm finishing my first year at GCC, only to be plunged into summer classes with no break. Geology first session and Western Lit second session, to be exact. Am I insane? Perhaps.
Adam and I have been presented with a possible living space that would be so intensely awesome that I don't even want to blog about it out of fear that I may jinx us. I am now furiously knocking on wood to further prevent jinxation for simply thinking about blogging about it. Of course if that does fall through (knocking on wood again), we'll most likely end up at Cliffside or Squire Village. Hi, Sunderlandians.
Oh, I don't remember if I ever bothered to mention this (in my infinite humility), but I totally got straight A's last semester. If I did, in fact remember to mention it already, consider this a further "na-na-na-na-boo-boo." In any case, I brought it up because I just may be continuing the streak. (Watch Cora counting her chickens before they've hatched.)
Hmm. I dunno. I'm getting a new tattoo next week, if that counts as news. Ok, I got nothin'. Over and out.