(no subject)

Jan 17, 2007 09:02

Hey everyone,

So the last few weeks have been very interesting.. I've basically been having a bit of a life crisis ( which my parents saw coming a MILE away) and made so major steps towards figuring out what the hell I'm going to do with myself for at least the next few years.

Basically I'm done with theatre. My department I have slowly come to realize has NO idea what they are doing. so I will most likely not be finishing my theatre major. I am planning on making it so that I graduate with a BA general arts major and a minor in communications. if I do this I need 3 courses to graduate so I will be done school by September or december depending on when I take these courses.

After that starts the job hunt for my first grown-up job ( startek doesn't count b/c i was still in school) that part is a scary thought but it's also possibly an opportunity to come back to kingston. if i did that- by my calculations I could probably cut my debt down signifigantly in one year. and trust me I want this 30,000$ of my ass as soon as possible. Mom and dad said they can support me for another 4 years- after that mom retires so they'll be on a double pension which equals not much money. But I don't want to be on the deadline ya know? I'd like to be  out and about a lot faster.

Joey's been doing well lately- He finally is getting the hell out of  Price chopper and into a job where he can actually move forward like he deserves. He's going to be out in Kanata  for work and  is  moving  closer to algonquin b/c Eric and christie found a bigger house. this means less chance of randomly having him stop in but all and all I think it will be better.

Mom's Coming up this weekend to help me organize my place a little better and have girltime. We'll probably talk all the school stuff out and have a desicion made by monday.

so there you have it- that's all that new with me. TTYL
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