(no subject)

Dec 04, 2006 13:39

stress? what stress? *twitch*
 So it's the end of the semester. Thank God! it seems everyone found this semester especially challenging- including some professors. I'm currently working on a paper that will either save or doom my Theories of media mark. I flunked the midterm with a 36% so I need to be Pro on the final and this essay to salvage myself.  Which means I'm doing the " easy" topic instead of the fun one.

Basically I'm doing a paper about Violence on televison and how the researchers are using modern approaches to research it ( experiments and surveys for example)  but using the old school " media is bad" Values.

I can't wait for this week to be over- at least after this week I'll have a few moments to myself now and then. unfortunalty I won't have time to audition for classical acting this year- hopefully I'll be able to take it next year then I'll have accomplished my goal of taking every english acting class offered by the university.

I got my 100$ gift card from work finally.  so I'll be able to finish my christmas shopping even if my store selection is slightly limited. there's a list of about 50 stores I can use it in. luckily they include HMV, futureshop, Winners, Old Navy, and All the Bay stores except Zellers. and mom has already told me that certain people's presents can be bought with her credit card so it's all good. Now I just need to find time to actually GO shopping

Next week I can... I only have to make it to next week.
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