[ You can almost hear the eye-roll in his sigh. ] Well, no s*** it's dour. There's no sun and it's full of prisoners. And you need a lot more instruments to make a marching band.
[ There's a brief moment of paranoia as Wes thinks that they know his name, but he realizes fairly quickly that that's not the case. ]
Oh, well, in that case it must be fine. I had assumed that you died on it. Yesterday there was definitely a roof. I looked. And my brother said that before that one it was a spaceship. So. It's not that easy, apparently.
[ A little, annoyed hiss slips out at the drumming. ]
In the spaceship? I have no idea. I wasn't there. But that's still not the same. It's like you're saying that a guy in a prison cell should be fine with the amount of sun he gets through the bars.
[A rolling beat on the snare.]
It's been so dour lately. We felt like the carnival needed some cheer.
[Druuuuuummm ROLLLLLLLLLLL!]
The magnificent and thrilling, exciting and stupendous Dawn Coaster! A rush of adrenaline and a ray of sunshine in every ride!
We have all the instruments we need. We just lack the people to play them.
Iiiiiiiiiis that the sound of a volunteer?
[ He snickers. ] Hell no. But maybe you can strap them all together and become a one-man band. Or two-man. Or however many of you there are.
Oh, boy, what a mess that was!
Carnie didn't like it at all.
That was a bad day...
Perfectly safe, see! And I'm sure on days when the gates are open, there's plenty of sun outside!
Just be back by curfew if you go out. Punishments are bad business.
Oh, well, in that case it must be fine. I had assumed that you died on it. Yesterday there was definitely a roof. I looked. And my brother said that before that one it was a spaceship. So. It's not that easy, apparently.
And so I've heard. I'm not getting tied up here.
But there were windows, right? You can see the sun through windows.
A spaceship? How exciting! Why didn't we go out when we were there?
In the spaceship? I have no idea. I wasn't there. But that's still not the same. It's like you're saying that a guy in a prison cell should be fine with the amount of sun he gets through the bars.
No clue. Not my problem.
He needed a lead-in! I provided. [Consider that two people pouting.]
Thank you, thank you! Feel free to drop by our booth if ever you need more entertainment!
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