Ganked from
dampersnspoons Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names. I won't fall for that party trick.
1. I can't eat peas. They're disgusting. I distinctly remember always hating peas, then sometime in high school I thought I'd try them again because maybe it was one of those things where you don't like something because you're a little kid and maybe you like it now. Nope. I put a big spoonful in my mouth and it felt like I was eating a bunch of tiny eyeballs, each one popping like a zit when I chewed. I gagged, spit them in the kitchen sink and haven't been so foolish since.
2. I have several very OCD-like habits. Examples include: I'm currently a bank teller, and have to make sure each denomination of my cash is faced the same way (turned clockwise) and color-coded (green twenties on top of white twenties, orange tens on top of white tens, etc.) and we use both yellow $1000 straps and purple $1000 straps and I have to use the yellow ones for hundreds and the purple ones for fifties. We use two sets of silverware and when I put dishes away I have to keep each set in a separate drawer. Anything multicolored must be organized ROYGBIV. I catch myself constantly counting to myself how many steps I'm taking and when I do I have to make sure I take an even number (I have to do most things in even numbers, actually). I think the only reason I haven't had to be medicated for it is they are all very small things that nobody else would notice, but if I don't do them it makes me twitchy.
3. While I don't especially like spiders, roaches, mice, or any of the other critters that most people are afraid of, I don't mind them. I do, however, have a very powerful phobia of ants. If I see one or two I must squish them, and if I see a whole bunch of them I can become paralyzed with fear. I can't even stand to see it on the Discovery Channel or anything. I think it's actually the whole "swarm" thing I'm afraid of, though bees don't bother me either. Something about seeing this huge group of millions of tiny crawly things moving around just...yeugh. I'm creeping myself out just thinking about it.
4. My back is deformed. It's the one part of my body I always wish I could change. I have both scoliosis and a lateral twist of my spine, so no matter how straight I'm standing it always protrudes in the middle. As a bonus, my back pretty much always aches, with actual stabbing pain tossed in for good measure, and it's all genetic so I can't do a damn thing about it. I figure I'll be bent in half by the time I'm fifty or so.
5. I'm both narcoleptic and insomniatic. If I'm tired, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in any position. But if I'm consciously trying to go to bed or sleep intentionally, it's nearly impossible for me to do so. I once fell asleep at the home of a person I'd just met, as well as in the middle of a very loud party. But if I've gone to bed anytime before I was on the verge of passing out, I will never feel tired enough to sleep and will lay awake in bed all night.
6. I was 17 before I'd ever kissed a white guy. My first real kiss was at age 14, and actually the first white person I kissed was a girl. I've been physically intimate with a member of every major race, as well as a few mixes, and I can personally dispel the myths that Asian guys have small dicks and Black guys have big ones.
7. I have a very weak gag reflex. I can brush my tongue all the way back, get a throat culture with no problem, and a favorite party trick is swallowing a spaghetti noodle and pulling it back out of my throat. Of course, this also means that I have a hard time throwing up even when I really, really want to, such as with food poisoning or getting shitfaced.
8. Working in the customer service industry has made me very unsympathetic to most customers. When it was retail I never let anybody bring anything back if it looked like the item had ever been worn or used, and now that I'm in the banking industry, when people whine about getting overdrafts or whatever I just want to tell them that they're too stupid to have their own money if they can't keep their goddamned checkbook balanced.
9. I will randomly quote lines and entire scenes from various movies, tv shows, or even past conversations with others, and sometimes people understand and a lot of the times they don't. What do you call this place again? The surface of the sun?!
10. I used to be very active in performing, whether it be singing, acting, or dancing, and when I go see plays or musicals sometimes I miss it so much it chokes me.