Jan 18, 2008 00:10
I had the most marvelous class this evening. My colour photo class is so inspiring, my teacher is is just simply fucking fantastic, she's makes you feel so comfortable and capable. She makes the medium exciting and beautiful, everytime I step out of that class I feel like shooting profusely. When I first started in photo classes after having been stricly in art history classes, I was almost irritated at the little 15 people communal, intimate class where everyone speaks around a table. I love to hide in shadows, listen to someone speak in that huge auditorium in the dark, to walk through places unoticed and live independantly from every other breath and piece of furniture. Or at least I like to think I do. So when walking in late to class meant everyone turning around to see who it was it totally annoyed me. But now I'm somewhat almost regreting my choice to major in art history. I love touching things! Interacting, learning in a dynamic environment. Thought, expression being more important than grades! Making shit, seeing the world in a million different way through a million different lenses.
Anyway today I got to play with a bunch of beautiful medium format cameras and afterwards, finally after a semester of being together, my teacher showed us her work. I love hearing artists talk about their work. So very different from hearing art historians talk about other peoples work. She's quite something, very down to earth about her work. And she was talking about it in a very intimate candid way, that she wouldn't do at an artists talk. So I felt priviledged to hear every detail of every person in the shots and how they came to be, no matter how messy. It's amazing just how much doenst show in a final image, its like a little fictious truth... Anyway, todays class was like one of the best classes I've ever had and I feel like taking a million pictures right now.
After I stepped out of the Concordia universe and into NDG tho its like I stepped into a postapocalyptic world. Starving, I roamed the streets like a nomad, in search for sustanence, but everything seemed to be deserted, covered in untouched snow and quiet snowflakes. For the first time in I think history, there are no online contacts on my msn.... This is one seriously eerie night.