Title: When You Cry [2/2]
Pairing: Bobby/Hanbin
Rating: PG
Type: Bandfic
Genre: Angst, fluff
Length: Two-shot
Summary: Bobby learns that not all tears are made from salt water.
A/N: Nowhere as fluffy as part one (but there is some at the end). WIN era.
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"Bobby's eyes are wet too now. Yet, even in the blurriness he finds his way to Hanbin's side. The spot next to his friend a small comfort in the mess. It’s also a place where he knows he's needed most in. He rubs at Hanbin's shoulder and their bodies brush as the boy turns to him.
The confliction in Hanbin's eyes is as obvious as the tears soaking his cheeks. "I wanted to see you bring her home."
Bobby wants to ask who, but the way Hanbin avoids his stare tells him all he needs to know. "Hanbin..."
"I wanted to stop your tears, I wanted..." Hanbin makes a small weak gesture to what’s around them, "this for you guys."
His voice breaks on that and so does Bobby. "Damn you," he says and it’s the only thing today that actually holds any hint of defeat. Bobby can't even bring himself to look at Hanbin in fear that his tears would hurt even more."" AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
"When there’s nothing to do but just watch Hanbin work, Bobby sometimes just ends up talking after the boredom becomes too drowsy. He shares anything new that he learned, or advice that Hanbin hadn’t asked for, and maybe more than once or twice or thrice, Bobby says three syllables to see Hanbin fluster.
It also gets him a whack on the head. But if the small tint of red on Hanbin’s skin is any sign at all, than eventually those flustering moments will be a bit sweeter."" LOVED THIS!!!!!!!
This was so awesome! Thanks for writing and sharing!
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