
Jan 31, 2011 20:52

Player nickname: Ichi
Player LJ: unspeakingly
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Current Characters: Haruhi Fujioka, Xion, Minatsuki Takami, Ciel Phantomhive

Character: Sasuke Uchiha
Fandom: NARUTO
Character Notes:

As it usually is with characters who have traumatising pasts, Sasuke's history starts off happy; he was born into the famous Uchiha clan in Konohagakure, to a loving family. His mother was kind and caring, his father was strict but pushed him to become better, and his brother Itachi loved him unconditionally. His childhood wasn't perfect - his father paid much more attention to Itachi, the prodigious star of the clan, and thought that Sasuke didn't even have a chance to compare, so Sasuke was often jealous of Itachi and also bitter because he didn't get to spend as much time with his beloved brother as he would have liked - but it was good and he was happy most of the time. He was loved and he loved everyone.

However, when he was 7, he returned home to a disturbing sight - the entire Uchiha clan had been brutally massacred. He frantically ran deeper and deeper into the nightmarish scene, looking for his family amidst the slaughter, and when he made it inside his house, he found his parents' corpses on the floor and Itachi standing over them. Although he refused to believe that his brother could have killed everyone at first, Itachi used his Mangekyou Sharingan to trap Sasuke in an illusion, in which he forced Sasuke to witness Itachi slaughtering the entire clan, murdering their parents. But at the end of the night, he allowed Sasuke to live, and he left him with one last instruction; to live, to hate him and to kill him. It's those last words that Sasuke spends the next five years living by.

The series begins just as Sasuke, age 12, graduates from the academy with top marks and officially becomes a ninja, Genin level. He's placed in a squad with Naruto, Sakura and their leader, Kakashi. They have a rocky start, but the three of them together manage to pass Kakashi's test, which is pretty much unheard of, and thus begins the adventures of Team 7. ... But they actually spend a while doing useless odd-jobs and boring "kid stuff" until Naruto complains to the Hokage insistently enough that it lands them a better mission: playing bodyguard to a bridge-builder as he returns to his village. It's supposed to be a fairly safe and simple mission, only ranking a C on the descending A-B-C-D difficulty scale.

It's not. It turns out that the bridge-builder is being hunted by assassins, and the mission should be at least a B-rank, if not A-rank. Still, they decide that they should keep going with it and get the guy to his village - and by the time they're nearly there, they run into Zabuza, an extremely powerful assassin who is often called a "demon". Kakashi nearly ends up losing to him, but through some brilliant teamwork, Naruto and Sasuke manage to save him, and Kakashi has Zabuza right on the verge of defeat; unfortunately, his partner Haku jumps in and whisks him away to safety. Thinking that he's dead because of some identity fraud on Haku's part, Team 7 continues with their mission and decide to stay with the bridge-builder as protection until his project is complete.

The peace doesn't last for long, because Zabuza and Haku return to assassinate the bridge-builder, and naturally, Team 7 steps up to fight - without Naruto, because he slept in that morning and they didn't wake him up. (Really.) While Kakashi takes on Zabuza and Sakura protects the bridge-builder, Sasuke goes up against Haku and it's thanks to this fight that he uses his Uchiha bloodline ability, the Sharingan, for the first time. He holds his own very well until Haku unleashes his ice mirror attack, which traps Sasuke inside while Haku throws needles at him. It seems to have taken a turn for the worst, but then Naruto finally makes his appearance and stupidly gets himself caught up in the ice mirror jutsu with Sasuke. Sasuke manages to keep the battle even because of his speed and Sharingan, but Haku decides to aim his attacks at Naruto instead, and Sasuke throws himself in the way to save Naruto, willing to die for him.

Sasuke is unconscious for the rest of the fight, but in short, Naruto thinks Sasuke is dead and unleashes the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox sealed inside of him on Haku, defeating him easily. Haku ducks away at the last minute to sacrifice himself for Zabuza, Zabuza dies too amongst some other things, the mission is a success. Sasuke wakes up and they realise that Haku had never intended to kill him, just knock him out. Everyone is happy and they all go home.

And then Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto get entered in the Chuunin exams - a three-part test that has to be passed for them to progress to the next level of ninja status. They get through the pre-examination test that their old teacher Iruka set up, breeze through the "written" exam, and then move on to the second stage; the Forest of Death. It's a survival test in which they have to make their way through a forest filled with enemies and deadly creatures, steal a scroll from another team and reach a tower 10km away from the starting point with two different scrolls.

They don't get off to a good start because Orochimaru, who is pursuing Sasuke for his own personal interests, manages to split them up and, after a few rounds of hit-and-miss, Sasuke is goaded into having a brief fight with him. It seems as if Sasuke won, but Orochimaru proves seemingly invincible and he announces that he wants Sasuke, and that before long, Sasuke will want him. He bites Sasuke and leaves him with a curse seal. After that, he retreats, Sasuke passes out from the intense pain of the curse, Naruto is still unconscious, and Sakura is left to care for the boys alone. She looks after them until they are attacked by three of Orochimaru's own students, Sound Village ninja; during the fight, Sasuke wakes up, consumed by the curse seal - which both amplifies his power immensely and makes him completely insane - and he immediately attacks the Sound nin for hurting Sakura. He goes as far as breaking the arms of one at the shoulders and turns on the second when Sakura manages to snap him out of the crazed state, and the Sound nin retreat.

In the end, thanks to the help of Kabuto (secretly working for Orochimaru, and hence trying to get Sasuke through the exam on his orders) they make it to the tower with two scrolls and pass on to the third and final stage, one-on-one "anything goes" tournament battles - but not quite, because there are too many participants and they need to have a preliminary round first. Sasuke is chosen to fight first, and he manages to make it through his battle, although barely, because the cursed seal is still torturing him and trying to take over. Kakashi takes him away and seals the curse so that it's more controllable after that, and Sasuke is almost comatose for the next few days. As soon as he wakes up, however, he escapes from the hospital and hides out for the next month while he trains with Kakashi in preparation for the upcoming matches.

He makes his dramatic return one month later, literally a second before his match is called a forfeit, and has a very violent battle against Gaara - Gaara, who holds within him a demon similar to the Nine-Tailed Fox inside of Naruto. The match is cut short when the Sand and Sound Villages launch an attack on Konoha; Gaara, the vital weapon in this assault, is forced to flee and recuperate after his fight with Sasuke, but Sasuke chases after him with the simple desire to finish the match they had started. He actually does surprisingly well against half-demon-state-Gaara, but the cursed seal starts acting up again and Sasuke is only saved by Naruto's timely entrance into the fight. When the fight becomes two giant beasts fighting each other, it's out of Sasuke's hands and he's forced to sit and watch while Naruto takes down Gaara with only a summon to help him. That kicks Sasuke's inferiority complex into gear, which continues to spiral out of control from that fight onwards.

They have a funeral for the Third Hokage, killed by Orochimaru, and then Naruto takes off with his teacher Jiraiya while Sasuke continues to learn from Kakashi. Around this time, Itachi suddenly makes a reappearance on a mission from the organisation he joined, Akatsuki; his goal is to capture Naruto. Unfortunately, he gets into a fight with Kakashi, and when Sasuke goes to visit his injured teacher he accidentally hears that his brother is back and going after Naruto, so he hunts them down. He manages to find Naruto, and hence Itachi, and tries to kill his brother right there - but Itachi is almost immeasurably stronger than Sasuke, and Sasuke gets beaten mercilessly and tortured by the Mangekyou Sharingan again. The unconscious and thoroughly traumatised Sasuke is taken back to the village while Naruto and Jiraiya continue on their way.

And now, in short because I am sick of this history already, sob: Sasuke's inferiority complex and obsession with power take a turn for the worst, and he tries to fight Naruto, only to be stopped - but he has already started to consider going to Orochimaru, tainted by that promise of power. Orochimaru's ninja come to collect him, and Sasuke chooses to leave of his own free will; he attacks Sakura to keep her out of his way, and he tries to kill Naruto before he leaves - Itachi had told him on the night of their clan's massacre that to obtain the Mangekyou Sharingan, you must kill the person closest to you - but even though he narrowly wins the fight, he can't bring himself to kill his best friend and leaves Konoha for good to join Orochimaru.

That's the end of Part 1, and there is no force on this earth that can make me write out all of Shippuden right now. :'|;;;


Sasuke is a bratty, teenage boy. He's cold and callous and harsh, he's rude and blunt and disrespectful no matter who he's speaking to, he's very stubborn and often self-centred, and like any stereotypical "cold and antisocial" anime character, he's prone to brooding and silent angst. He finds most people and things irritating - when he introduces himself, he very simply states that he hates a lot of things and doesn't particularly like anything - and he's the type to lash out with insults or snaps when he gets annoyed. He has no problems with insulting anyone for various reasons, one of which is the fact that he's blunt and he doesn't try to act nice for anyone at any point. He's very honest when he chooses to speak, but he'll rarely speak about himself, because he's a private person and prefers to keep to himself. Despite his coldness, he's also very passionate and puts himself into things very strongly and fiercely; he does everything with his whole heart and being.

On one hand, Sasuke has a raging superiority complex. When he first meets people, he automatically assumes he's "above" them unless there's something to indicate otherwise - status, a glimpse of their fighting abilities, etc. - and he looks down on all of them. Because of his Uchiha blood and upbringing, natural pride, and his admittedly high level of skill, he considers himself "special" and thinks other people such as Naruto and Sakura are just a waste of his time and not even worth looking at. This leaves him arrogant, over-confident and cocky; he mocks, teases and insults Naruto constantly when they're first forced together and sees Sakura as being so far beneath him that she isn't even worth mention. It also means he's often uncaring of the suffering of others, because he holds himself and his goals in higher regard than everyone else.

On the other hand, he has a crippling inferiority complex. As soon as someone manages to beat him, Sasuke is consumed by self-doubt and fears of being weak; when he realises that Naruto is progressing faster than him and already quite possibly better than him, he panics. One simple defeat throws his whole world off-balance and he starts to question his strength, even his whole life - he immediately decides that he's "not good enough" and pushes himself frantically to reach a point where his superiority can rightfully settle in again. He's so insecure about his strength that he feels the need to constantly challenge others or stand up to enemies just to prove his worth to himself; he needs to know that he's the strongest, and if he's not, then he has to fix that. It's something that lingers from his childhood, when he was always lost in Itachi's overwhelming shadow, and something that has only gotten uncontrollable since then because of his duty to fight and kill his prodigious older brother.

Revenge is the highest priority to Sasuke; everything else only exists so that he can kill Itachi. His life is only important because he needs it to get revenge. Almost everything he does is just to get that slightest bit closer to being able to kill his brother - almost. Strangely, he'll willingly put his life on the line to save Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi without meaning to get stronger by it; this is because they're his only friends, he loves them, and when Sasuke loves, he does so with his entire being. He doesn't think about it, but he will instantly protect them without needing to consider it, and fears of losing his life and never killing Itachi only come after he's already taken the bullet for them. Still, there are also other times when he'll be careless with his life simply for the sake of testing his own strength, because he's come to believe that if he's weak enough to die in a battle then he didn't deserve to live anyway. Revenge is his life and his purpose, and until that day, strength is his purpose and reason to exist. Without it, he may as well just die, which is why he risks his life fighting Gaara - to prove that he deserves to live. He is willing to do absolutely anything for revenge, and for the power he needs to exact that revenge, leading to him joining Orochimaru.

Although most of his coldness and bad attitude is intentional, Sasuke is also extremely socially awkward. For the five years following the Uchiha massacre, he refused to let anyone in, and barely even spoke to or associated with anyone during that time; he's almost forgotten how to deal with people, but he isn't unreachable. Naruto manages to pry his heart open, and after that, he's willing to let a very small amount of people become close to him, and those people he trusts and loves with all his heart - but even then, he has no idea how to be friendly or sociable, which is why he has no desire to try. Touch is foreign to him and usually gets an adverse reaction, as does any sort of gentle and loving action or behaviour; Itachi's betrayal left a lot of emotional scars on him that will never heal, but he does care about people, even if he doesn't know how to show it. Not to mention the fact that he's been taught that hate makes you strong, and his own conclusion of bonds making you weak - he wants his friends close, but not too close. This all bundles up and usually leaves him with a very tsundere attitude towards his few friends. He doesn't accept strangers too well, either, and doesn't take well to being approached with an immediately friendly or intimate attitude. He seems to think that Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura are the only people he will ever need.

However, even with all of his corruption and hatred and selfishness and thirst for power and general being a bastard, as Itachi puts it later in Shippuden, Sasuke is "pure". He's painfully easy to corrupt, to push and manipulate to someone's will; he hates and lives the rest of his life exactly the way Itachi told him to, simply because he was instructed to. He's bent to Orochimaru's will because Orochimaru tells him that he has potential and that he could have enough strength to kill Itachi if he gives himself to the Sound. In Shippuden, he turns right back around and swears to utterly annihilate Konoha because Madara gave him the right push by telling him the truth behind the Uchiha massacre and Itachi's death and painted the village in the worst possible light. Sasuke is still naive and trapped in his own world where anyone can fashion him to their liking if they have the right tools.

First Person (entry type):

... Hn. Is it even worth risking your life for something? Some idiots I know do it for just about anything, but I wouldn't take an answer from someone like Naruto in a million years. Why are things so important that you'd die for them? There's no point. If you keep on living without it, that's fine. Tch, you've gotta be kidding me. Like I'm one to talk.

There are things more important. Things to keep living for. Right? Goals. People have things they live for, not things they'd die for. It's only okay to die once your ambitions are finished with. Ugh, why am I even bothering with this? I'll probably get stupid answers that are just the same as if I asked that loser.

Third Person:

Sometimes, Sasuke didn't even know why he bothered with people. There were reasons why they were there, sure - team-mates, fellow ninja, his comrades (although, really, he preferred to think of Naruto and Sakura as his back-up) - but why he actually listened to the nonsense sounds they made and opened his mouth and replied to their stupidity, he didn't know. Maybe it was because he knew that they would only be more annoying if he ignored them, what with Sakura's sulking and Naruto's loud obnoxiousness and Kakashi's subtle prodding. Or maybe it was just something he did without thinking now, responding to their conversation like a reflex. He liked to think it was the former.

Every now and then, they were alright. No, they were tolerable. But sometimes - this time - he would be perfectly content for them to be out of his life.

"Sasuke-kun, um - did you hear me? So, what's your favourite food?"

He shot a glare at Sakura, and although she winced, she didn't back down. Maybe a few months ago, she would have, but he'd found that she and Naruto were becoming noticeably more comfortable around him. Whether it was time, or something they'd both realised, or something he had done to make it that way, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that it got really annoying sometimes. (But it was better than when saying a single word would get him strange looks, or when Sakura would tremble with fear around him, or when Naruto threatened to beat him into the ground for so much as breathing oddly.)

"Why do you want to know?" he asked stiffly, taking another bite of onigiri. Behind him, Naruto was grumbling about something or other, but he blocked the idiot out.

Sakura blushed a little and smiled nervously. "Well, I was sort of hoping I could try and cook something for you! For practice, you know. Not specific practice or anything, just, cooking practice and- oh, you know what I mean-"

He rolled his eyes at her. Stupid reasons, as usual. "I don't really have a favourite food," he said, relenting. He heard Naruto speak up over his shoulder, Sakura-chan, I have a favourite-, and he interrupted smoothly over the top of the blonde, "But I hate ramen. And I hate sweet things, too." Her face fell a little at that - he raised an eyebrow, wondering what he'd said to make her look so crestfallen - but she smiled again quickly.

"Well, is there anything you like? It doesn't have to be a favourite..."

"Like I said, not reall-"

"He really loves tomatoes."

Three heads snapped up in almost impressive unison and gawked at their squad leader, who hadn't looked up from his book. "What?" said Sakura and Naruto, and Sasuke tried to vehemently deny it, hissing, "I do not-"

"He made a funny face the last time he was eating a tomato. It's definitely tomatoes." Sakura started to happily chatter away and list off tomato-based things she could make for him, Naruto complained about how boring it was, and while Sasuke scowled, Kakashi looked up at him for a second and smiled. "Don't look so angry at me, Sasuke. It was sort of cute. You should make that kind of face more often, it's better than this scary one you always have."

"What the hell-"

"Oi, oi, it really is tomatoes! Look, everything in here has tomatoes in it! Bastard, that's so weird, you seriously like fruits and vegetables and all that stuff? Ewww! I knew Sasuke was a strange guy, but this is way too much!"

"-do you think you're doing?! That's my bag you're going through! Don't touch my things, idiot!"

"Ow- jerk, you didn't have to kick me!"

"Then don't go near my stuff, loser!"



"Dumb bastard!"

"Total idiot!"

Sometimes he didn't know why he bothered with them. They weren't even annoying. They were intolerable. Insufferable. They weren't even worth his time or his effort or every retort he always threw back at them. (But then, other times, he knew exactly why he bothered with them, and why he gave them his time and his effort and every word he could stand to say. Those times were just something of a rarity; few and far-between.)


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