YAY FOR A NEW JOURNAL BB~! and well, i'll do the intro after i'm done with this layout thingy i need to submit for school later ;~; so don't reply to this yet, okay? :D/
bah, i suck for doing this just now *A*
name bijae age & bday 0921 (and i'm letting you guess my age *A*) msn, gmail, &/or yahoo you know my msn / jamkkodae@gmail.com / beulling where did you find sam? errr i think in some of those friending memes from before? *A* gif/pic of laughter?
smthg random you want to know about sam AM I OSM? lololol D;
bah, i suck for doing this just now *A*
name bijae
age & bday 0921 (and i'm letting you guess my age *A*)
msn, gmail, &/or yahoo you know my msn / jamkkodae@gmail.com / beulling
where did you find sam? errr i think in some of those friending memes from before? *A*
gif/pic of laughter?
smthg random you want to know about sam AM I OSM? lololol D;
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