LJ Idol Homecoming, Week 1: "Resolution"

Sep 29, 2019 08:48

"Worth The Fight"

You say you just want the fighting to stop.
For everyone to come together, get along.
Why does it need to be so over-the-top?
Does it really matter who's right, who's wrong?

Yeah, it matters.
Because to tell those who have been oppressed,
whose concerns have never been addressed,
to stop fighting, leave their weapons at the door
is to tell them that those concerns
aren't worth fighting for.

If all you want is a resolution to the conflict,
you'll never allow for an evolution.
We can be better than this, rise above,
become a society that focuses on love,
but only if we first address
those who only use their power to oppress
and if we make sure that those with less
still have the means to achieve success.

If all you want is a resolution,
you'll never want to pay restitution.
For those society has broken
just because they don't fit the mold,
instead of breaking the mold itself,
have a right to be repaid.
And even though you or I may not
have been the ones who did the deed,
we inherited the proceeds
and are responsible for the repayment.

If all you want is a resolution,
you'll never look forward to revolution.
The absence of conflict has no value.
People's lives do.
And yes, there will be those who die
in the struggle.
Better there than in an armchair.
At least those on the front lines
are willing to put their lives on the line
to show they care.

We can't all just get along.
Not when some of "we" think that others
aren't part of "we".
Not when money talks louder than those
who don't have a dime.
Not when the weight of this world falls squarely
on those too weak to bear it.

Don't say it's not worth fighting over.
You know which side you're on--
you know your side is right.
So join the fight, even though it's hard.
Grab your sword.
En garde.

in the line of fire, mad world, and that's the way it is, first person, pen to paper, mirror mirror

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