Why did they snap like that? It's just a little thing--why did they blow up?
I've wondered that many times--occasionally about myself. From what I've seen and heard from those around me, it's never just that incident, but everything that leads up to it. What follows is a conglomeration of thoughts, experiences, and moments, weaved into an allegory.
It's always the one you don't see coming.
Every pebble flying toward you has the potential to damage. When you can see it coming, however, you can prepare and defend against it.
But something always gets through. The SUV cuts you off in traffic, or the printer runs out of ink, or the team loses a game they should have won. And because you're not expecting it, you can't defend yourself, and damage is done. Chink. A small crack develops.
While you attempt to close the hole, more pebbles sneak through. A tough day at work, a stand-up on a date, an hour wasted in traffic. Chink. Chink. Chink.
Spiderwebs develop across the surface as the larger rocks land. "The tests came back positive." "I'm afraid we'll have to let you go." "I'm sorry, I don't love you anymore." Thump. Chink. Crack.
If it were just you, it would be okay to let go, to allow the cracks through, to shatter. One can always be rebuilt. But there are people you are meant to shelter from the troubles, and you simply must hold together, for their sake.
Just when you think you've weathered the storm, and you have time to get some Super Glue on the cracks, you feel pressure. From the inside, from those whom you are guarding. Those meant to support you in these times are instead pounding on you, threatening to turn one piece into many.
As you struggle against the pressure, out of the corner of your eye you see a single pebble flying lazily toward you. Even though you can see it coming, you're too weak to fight. All you can do is brace yourself and hope it misses...but of course, it doesn't. At impact, an old crack is caught just perfectly and...
Those behind you feel the full force of the wind, the weather, and the rocks. You are left in a million pieces, scattered and shattered.
Eventually, painstakingly, you put the pieces together again. The cracks are smoothed, and you are returned to place. But you are never quite the same, because you are always paranoid, wanting to make sure no other pebbles get through. After all, once you start to crack up, there is only one way to end.
This has been my home game entry for
week 14 of LJ Idol. Thanks for reading!