LJ Idol Week 4 Poll

Oct 18, 2008 08:17

This week's poll is up.

Note that, in order to vote in this poll, you must be a member of the community therealljidol . I believe you can join the community without having to have it clutter up your friends page, but don't quote me on that. (That said, you'd basically be signing on to watch a reality show that's actually very interesting and funny, and I'm on it. So why not join?) Note that you must have an LJ account in order to join the community (I'm looking at you, Jason--quit being lazy!).

If you enjoyed my entry on mistaken identity, please join the community and vote. I'm currently in a tie for last place in my poll (Tribe 2), and while there's no prizes at stake, I really don't want to leave the game this soon. I'm just competitive like that. :)

Voting runs until Monday, at 1pm Eastern.

Thank you for your consideration.

I'm Mike Frentz, and I approve of this message.

pimp my write, pen to paper

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