Servant girl, you own my heart, his hand in yours tears me apart.

Oct 10, 2009 19:05

Judging from the tears on my face I have issues that are deeper rooted than a simply episode of a family television programme. But I think ranting about Guinevere of Merlin will alleviate at least a few of the things that coil themselves around my mind like bindweed on the holly bush.

Guinevere is beautiful, and kind, and intelligent [her breasts she also looks very good in Morgana's dress]. She has been through a lot more than many, what with the loss of her mother, presumably very early on in childhood, and then her father at the hand of her King for a crime he did not commit. Her heart must be heavy with the confusion of being in love with two men, one of whom has been absent for over a year and another who society will not allow her to love. She cannot be held to blame for the love triangle between herself, Prince Arthur and Sir Lancelot. So why am I angry with her, throwing a pencil at the telly and shrieking somewhat?

When she looked at Arthur over Morgana's shoulder, I wailed at her. What has happened between her and Arthur over that past day is saddening and confusing but does she not feel anything being reunited with Morgana? She obviously loves her: she sacrified herself to allow Morgana to escape at the beginning of the episode. But what I feel could have been a beautiful scene between Morgana and Guinevere by what I feel is sadly a failed attempt at a sad face on Bradley James' part. Sorry BJ, I do love you, but your puppy dog face at the beginning just looked bizzare!

As she stood in the tunnel with Lancelot, I demanded of the screen that she didn't kiss him. She did, of course, and one thing I find odd about this is the music they played. I associate that music with Gwen and Arthur as a couple, so it was strange to hear it for them. The line "I would die for you, one hundred times over", I think, was very emotional for me, partly in an obscure way as I am currently reading The Kite Runner for English Literature and Lancelot's line is very similar to Hassan's to Amir: "For you, a thousand times over!", but also because it really shows us the quality of Lancelot's life. Having turned down his life's dream of being a Knight of Camelot, feeling unworthy of it, he has become the nothing he was always scared of being, earning his living in what are essentially underground fight clubs. For Gwen to return meaning to his life, but then turn out to have fallen for someone else- Prince Arthur, no less- must tear Lancelot apart, and I believe he is very strong to walk away without even saying goodbye. Personally, I would have spun around dramatically and demand that she chose there and then. Then again, Lancelot has more composure and self control than I, plus Santiago would probably sound utterly ridiculous squealing the way I do.

I am tired of the "Merlin-is-an-idiot" thing now. "You are an idiot" and "Shut up" it pretty much all Arthur and Merlin say to one another these days. Okay, writers, you're scared of the epic gay and you want to shut it up forever and make Arthur het all over Gwen. And if that's what you need to do, then I could eventually accept that. But my God, why not work on their friendship storyline? A convincing, loving friendship between two young men doesn't have to mean you are making the slashing left, right and center into canon. Currently, I can't imagine either of them risking their lives for each other because they want to: Merlin out of obligation, because Destiny told him to. Arthur, to prove he could be a good King who would rescue any old servant, regardless of personal attachment to them. But even though the friendship seems to have disappeared, the S1E1 dynamic has also gone: Merlin has lost his spark. He doesn't argue back or complain about Arthur's pratiness, he only looks miserable and exhausted all the time. I really do wonder if this is purposeful, to be confronted- or whether Colin Morgan is tired or overworked and it's spilling into Merlin.

I probably had more to say about this that I've now forgotten... at ease.


pairing: arthur/gwen/lancelot, rant, television: merlin, life

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