Scales- Part Three: Surviving

Feb 10, 2008 17:32

Read Part One here Read Part Two here

You don't need the Gs or the car keys boy,
I like you just the way you are.
- The Way I Are- Timbaland

Jack stood still for a moment, cradling Ianto's limp body in his arms, taking in the feel of the bones sticking out through the welshman's back. Tosh picked up the discarded shirt and slipped it tenderly around Ianto's shoulders before leaving the room, waving the others along with her, indicating that they should let Jack take his time in following them. The captain appreciated this, and hoisted Ianto further up his chest, holding him close. He was angry- angry that he had let this happen right under his nose, furious with nature that it had victimised Ianto, whittled him down until he almost wasn't even there. He turned and made his way out of the flat, where the SUV waited outside, its engine running, Owen sat at the wheel solemnley. Jack layed Ianto careful in the back, leaning over to kiss the younger man's forehead.

"Is he okay?" Gwen said hushedly. Jack nodded.

"He's unconscious. His pulse is slow though. Drive!" He snapped at Owen, who was turned around in his seat, craning his neck to look at Ianto. He nodded and obediently revved the engine, the headlights flooding the dark road as they drove away.

Back in the hub, Jack hurried down to the medical room, the team in his wake, Ianto draped ungracefully over his shoulders. He was laid down on one of the beds, and Owen carried out normal procedures, taking Ianto's heart rate and temperature. Toshiko, Gwen and Jack looked at Owen as he let out a sigh of random pleasure.

"Sorry," He said, when he noticed their stares, "I just felt like a normal doctor again, for a second there."
Jack gazed down at Ianto, who was deathly pale, his breathing shallow and paced.

"What are we going to do about him?" He asked, his voice so quiet it was barely audible.

"He has a name, sir."
The others started as Ianto spoke, a smile playing on his slim face, but the smile soon vanished, "Am I ill, Sir?" He said feebly, his eyes remaining shut.

"Yeah, you are a bit, Yan. But we're going to make you better."

"... good..." Ianto mumured uncertainly, drifting off again.



"I... I love you."
There was a silence of a few seconds, until the teaboy said:

"You do say some weird things, Jack..." before falling fast asleep.

Three months later
    Ianto spun into Jack's office, where Owen, Toshiko and Gwen were sat, listening to their Captain speak. They all turned around to look at Ianto, who was smiling dizzily. He tossed a flat, oblong cardboard box on the desk.
"Guess what," He said happily, opening the lid and pulling out a doughnut, the jam and sugar sticking to his hand.

"What?" Jack asked.

"Guess," Ianto whined playfully, feeling in a fantastic mood.

"You've worked out how to control the rift?" Gwen tried.


"You've got a boyfriend?" Owen suggested. Ianto glanced at Jack, and replied,

"Yes, but that wasn't it."

"You've worked out the answer to life, the universe and everything?" Tosh smiled.

"42," Ianto answered instantly, "But that's not it either."

"We give up!" Jack groaned, throwing his hands in the air; however he was still grinning.

"I," Said Ianto happily, "am cured." And he took a big bite of the doughnut to prove it. Jack grinned insanely, but before anyone could say anything, Owen got to his feet and took an exaggerated bow.

"Thank you, thank you," He smirked, "It's all thanks to me. Didn't I say- write down everything the voice tells you is wrong and then write down an alternative or positive thought."

"Thank you, Owen," Said Ianto, with a slight nod of the head just like the one he had used when Jack introduced Gwen and he for the first time, "You were right, the voice has gone away now." He licked cream that was attempting to trickle down the sleeve of his immaculate suit.

"Just don't over do it," joked Jack, "We don't want you getting fat." Ianto raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

Suddenly Martha Jones walked into the office, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Sorry, did I miss anything?" The newest member of the team smiled.

"Yeah," Informed Owen, "Ianto's eating a doughnut." She turned to face him, grinning.

"That's great!" She enthused, "Well done, honey!"

"Imagine hearing this conversation if you didn't understand the past events..." Ianto pondered, shaking his head.

"Anyway, gotta go," Martha said, "The archives are calling."

"I don't get why you're so into them," Jack muttered, rolling his eyes, "Must be a Jones thing." The older man cocked his head and beckoned Ianto, pulling him onto his lap and licking raspberry jam from beside his lip. The team averted their eyes from the public display of affection and found some excuse to leave the office.

Martha was the last to leave, looking back at "her boys", as she liked to think of them, kissing and cuddling on Jack's chair.

But then her expression instantly turned sour, and she left without another word, her left hand discreetly pinching her own side in a swift movement that resembled sweeping dust off one's clothes...

- fin -

scales, fanfiction, angst, fic: pg-13, jack/ianto, anorexia, torchwood

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