Hermits United
Title: Hermits United
copycatgirlPairings: Jack/Ten
Rating: PG (Boykissing)
Genre: Drabble.
Disclaimers: Writing; mine! Characters; not.
Spoilers: Utopia.
Jack looked up from the laptop screen, where Wikipedia was informing him of the horrible truth. He glared at The Doctor, who was sat behind him on Martha's coffee table, swinging his legs.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He demanded.
"Tell you what?" The Time Lord replied, putting on his glasses.
Jack stabbed at the monitor with his index finger. The Doctor leaned in closer to look.
"Mm?" He asked, "What about it?"
"Why did you say that's what we were, if you knew that?"
"Oh. Well, that's a twenty-first century one, isn't it? Things had changed by the end of the universe. We were a new breed, if you like."
Jack grinned, and put one hand on the side of The Doctor's face. He started to kiss him passionately, pulling him in by his tie, but The Doctor leaned a bit further forward, too far forward. He fell from the coffee table, bringing a cup of tea down with him.
Martha ran in, hearing the crash of the mug, her phone clutched in her hand. She saw The Doctor sprawled on the floor, his tie loose, covered in tea.
"Not what it looks like!" Said Jack instantly. Once The Doctor was back on his feet, and escorted to the bathroom, cursing, Jack turned back to the computer, and read the offending line once more.
"Hermits are celibate. Pfff." He murmured.