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The story behind this video is as follows: Professor Charles Xavier is a closeted mutant, working for Weyland Industries. He develops a highly advanced android named David, capable of understanding human emotion. However, when he presents his invention to the industry’s board, they deem it unethical and demand that he shuts it down. Angry and upset, Charles and his team animate David anyway, in secret, purely to see if it works and with the intention of disassembling him afterwards. However, when they activate David, Charles realises something extrordinary: he can read David’s mind. He isn’t just an android, he is alive. Realising that David will eventually be discovered and taken apart, he implores him to run. David doesn’t want to leave Charles, but eventually does as he is told. He is found by the industry and imprisoned, put into the bag that he was born in, and deactivated, whilst Charles hammers on the glass between them. Charles watches back the video of David alive: and pretends to everyone that he is alright.