Чаще всего истории "артист и копирайт и индустрия", которые я видел, касались каких-то облачно-далеких артистов. В данном случае на моих, так сказать, интернетовских глазах, разворачивается история артистки, которую я слушаю с 1992-го года,
Toni Childs. Это не "я специально искал, кто ссорится с копирайтом", это талантливая артистка сама "зафрендила" на Facebook меня среди других своих поклонников, и сейчас делает ровно то, о чем говорят "альтернативщики":
- призывает не верить лейблам
- поддерживать артиста напрямую
- записывает свой очередной альбом при непосредственной поддержке своих слушателей
Читаю сегодня:
http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=153556684730343&id=100002280371770 Toni Childs
Announcement: Please do not purchase my music from itunes. I do not, I repeat I do not receive any funds from those sales. Please purchase music directly from me. If you're interested please go to my website to learn more about it. A lovely man told me this morning that he purchase Keep the Faith on itunes... he just didn't know. Thank you!
Ниже в комментариях:
Julian Miller obviously, the problem is not itunes or apple but her label. lots of people make money thru itunes. also toni makes more if sells direct cutting out any middlemen which makes sense. so buy direct from the artist when you can.
Toni Childs Aloha everyone.. as Julian said, it is not itunes but the company itself that is the bad guy... in my case, I choose the wrong company to do business with and it is massive.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVYssJWT6hU Toni's invitation to learn about her personal vision for 2011.. she has a dream to make music industry history! Please take the time to listen. www.tonichilds.com or
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Toni-Childs/126728244056861 Toni Childs
Good Morning Everyone! I am in fundraiser mode presently, and as you may or may not know, I am needing to raise $5,500 by the first to pay last months recording cost. With your help I have raised $24,000 so far... thank you so much!! Anything you can do to help is welcome... I cannot tell you enough what it means to be making beautiful music again! Please go to my website and check out the different things you can purchase.