There's a new little angel in Heaven tonight...

Nov 29, 2010 04:01

I can't believe I'm saying this, but about 3:30am Central time my little girl Mayhem passed away. Whatever caused it came on too fast to do much of anything about, but I will always feel I could have done more.

We left Milwaukee last Wednesday to visit my family for Thanksgiving, and she was just fine. Then on Thanksgiving Day she was really lethargic and slept all day. She wasn't eating, barely drinking, and not going to the bathroom. I thought it might have been an intestinal blockage, caused by hairballs or something she ate, and treated her appropriately. Over the next few days she seemed to have moments of her old self, playing around and just being a normal ferret, but she still slept a lot and didn't eat. I couldn't get her to take the vitamin supplement or the Duck Soup mix. She was vomiting and had some diarrhea. Then yesterday (Sunday) she hardly moved at all, didn't even try to lift her head or anything. I decided to come back to Milwaukee so I could take her to the vet on Monday morning, but after we got back into town and she still hadn't moved or tried to eat anything, I decided to take her to an emergency 24 hour vet. They told me she was basically hanging on by a thread. The doctor believed that we should be very aggressive with treatment, and had a whole set of tests to run, but the cost was going to be almost $1000. I had to make the worst decision of my life, which will forever haunt me, but because I have no job and no savings, I had to get a loan from my parents, and it wasn't enough. So for about half the price they would keep her overnight and give her fluids and medicate her. That was about 11:00pm last night.

I've been so anxious over the last few hours, until the call came. Mayhem was always so strong and full of live, so I had hoped she would pull through on her own. Then when she needed me most I failed her. I SHOULD have done something earlier. I couldn't even be there in her final hours to tell her I loved her.

Goodbye my little girl. I hope I was worthy to share my life with you. Daddy will always love you.
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