OT - Convention pimpage

Apr 22, 2009 05:33

Mods - I hope this is allowed, couldn't find anything on the profile page that strictly prohibited it. If it is not please delete.



I’m writing in hope that fellow SPN fan will help us.

A group of people are trying to make a dream come true and have a SPN convention in Latin America (most likely in Argentina - the idea was inspired from the visit Jared did to that country back in December '08 ) .

Please, help make this a reality. Sign the petition!

It doesn’t matter whether you’d be able to attend the convention or not, whether you reside on the other side of the world but it would mean the world to all of us if you helped and support to make this a reality. To let them know that they too have fans in Latin America.

Sign the petition!

Original post here - Which opened my eyes to the whole thing. {in Spanish}
The Project - here - LJ community


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