Whoo-hoo Yuletide!

Nov 11, 2008 23:56

I got my Yuletide assignment, yay! And I'm totally psyched about it too. I've got an idea that I think will be really neat, but I need to review the canon before I can begin writing.

Also, hi, Yuletide Author! I wrote a letter for you if you want, but you are in no way obligated to read if you don't want.

I already know I'm going to love whatever story you write me because it will be in one of my teeny, tiny fandoms that is dear to my heart. Really and truly, I'm just thrilled that someone else knows these fandoms. I want you to have fun writing your assignment because stories the author enjoyed writing are the ones that come out best. So if you have an idea that would be really cool and awesome but doesn't quite fit my details? Go for it! On the other hand, if you'd like to know more about me, I am happy to oblige.

I'm really easy to please. I'll read almost anything and am especially drawn to oddball stories. These are some general things I like, although this is by no means a complete list.
-happy endings
-hopeful endings
-family (either the kind you're born to or the kind you make)
-friendships both old and new
-characters who help each other
-characters who follow the beat of their own drummer
-characters who are strong enough to stand on their own two feet
-minor characters
-road trips
-slices of life
-the differences that make people unique and the things that bind us all together
-evocative language
-language that creates a mood
-gradual realizations
-"a-ha!" moments
-grand adventures

My dislikes are pretty short on the other hand: character death, character bashing, rape, infidelity, and mentor/mentee pairings.

Monsoon Wedding
My original details: I'm really curious about what's happened to the characters after the end of the movie. How is married life working out for Aditi and Hermant? Did Ria get to go to America to study? Is Dubey's mother now pushing Alice to provide her with grandbabies? Or does one of the other characters have a fascinating story? I'd love to know more about (nearly) anyone from the movie. My only exceptions are Tej Puri and Vikram, both of whom I find unpleasant.

I feel a bit awkward saying "I'd like a story about anyone from the movie! Except these two!" but I hope that's okay. And when I say anyone else, I really do mean anyone. If the characters in the details don't interest you, there's Varun or Lalit or Pimmi or Aliyah or Ayesha or Rahul. You could even chose to write something about Dubey's three employees or someone else I've forgotten. I love the message of family this movie has and how crazy a large family can be.

I love how Lalit tries to do what's best for his children and how he and Pimmi support each other. How Aditi knew she needed to tell Hermant about her and Vikram even though she could have kept that secret and how Hermant did eventually respect her for her honesty. How both Ria and Varun have their own dreams (and unconventional ones at that) and will work for them. How Rahul struggles with accepting his heritage and how Ayesha struggles with transitioning into an adult. How Dubey is dumbfounded by Alice. I could go on, but I think you get my point.

I adore every bit of this movie so, really, just go wild and tell me about your favorite character.

My original details: What I love about Mushishi are the stories, not any particular character. I like how mushi are part natural and part supernatural, and I like how the setting for each story is almost a character in itself. I like the complex interactions between humans and mushi and how both often end up using the other. I like how imaginative each story is. Basically, I love the world of Mushishi and I'd really like a story that explores that world somehow. If you'd like a character to set a direction for the story, I'm fond of Tanyuu, but I'd be happy even if the story was entirely populated by OCs.

I think my details sum up what I love about this series pretty well. Mushishi is my favorite anime and manga series, so anything set in the Mushishi world is going to make my day. I've seen all of the anime and read what's out in English of the manga. And while I am fond of Tanyuu, I also like the other characters Ginko meets and Ginko himself is awesome too. So if you have a particular character you're fond of, feel free to use them to set a direction. If it's a character in volume 7 or beyond (I'll have read volume 6 by the time Yuletide comes around), I'd appreciate a bit of explanation in the story of what happened in canon that you're playing off of.

My original details: I'd like something that could be another bit of canon for this comic. I love how light-hearted and cute this comic is and how all the characters are friends who work together to help each other. Maybe you could tell me what winter is like in the forest for Owly and his friends, or maybe tell me about an adventure (either real or make-believe) that Owly and his friends have.

I know that this is not the fandom we matched on, Author, because I'm the only one who offered to write it. But if you get stuck with whichever fandom we did match on, this is a really easy canon to familiarize yourself with. Owly is a comic by Andy Runton. There are five books out so far, and they're easily found in US bookstores. The stories are all independent of each other, so you only need to read one to get a feel for the canon. I have no idea how easy it is to find Owly overseas or even if you have $10 to spare to buy a volume, so I've uploaded the fourth book, A Time To Be Brave, for you.

Owly is, quite frankly, the most adorable comic in existence. It's the comic equivalent of a box full of puppies and kitties. If you go to Andy Runton's website, you'll see that this is true. Even if you aren't having problems with the fandom we matched on, I'd suggest downloading A Time To Be Brave because I firmly believe that everyone should read Owly.

To sum up, I like lots of things, and I want you to go where your heart wants to because a story you enjoyed writing is one I'll enjoy reading.

fandom: monsoon wedding, fandom: mushishi, topic: squee, fandom: owly, yuletide, yuletide: 2008

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