Jun 17, 2008 00:04
Hee, so I first heard about this show ten minutes before the premiere aired, and I am glad I did! It's an alternative take on the superhero genre, sort of mainstream superheroes meets Men in Black. And it is fun! And funny! And the main female character is a total geek. Like, she plays video games and has opinions on which X-Men run is the best and is just generally awesome.
I have much love for shows that tackle common, ridiculous scifi plots in a way that lets me have fun while watching (It's what got me hooked on Eureka, which reminds me that the new season of that starts at the end of the month.), so I am very much looking forward to this show based on the first episode. I would quote bits to show the show's awesomeness, except I don't have time to rewatch the episode right now.
However! The pilot's available for free right now at the iTunes store. I don't know how long it'll remain free now that it's aired, but there you go.
reviews: tv,
topic: squee,
fandom: the middleman