My mom is making gumbo, and it smells really good. I want some now, but it's not ready. And I'm hiding in my room at the moment.
So I read comics now. Authority Revolution 04, Cable & Deadpool 11, Green Arrow v3 46, Justice League Unlimited 05, Legends of the Dark Knight 187, Legion of Super-Heroes v5 02, Madrox 05, Nightwing 101-102 , Robin 134, Teen Titans Go! 15, Teen Titans v3 20, and Ultimate Fantastic Four 15, specifically.
Authority Revolution 04:
Not... a lot happened. It seems like The Authority has a lot of gratuitous fighting. I'm glad that someone's standing up to the Authority, since their coup d'etat has never sat well with me. Except now with the guy in the black hood it seems like maybe it's not about that. Jenny, for perhaps the first time, has shown glimmerings that she's not annoying. I think it was the scene with the other Jenny (I think that was an older Jenny Q rather than a ghost of Jenny S.) that did it. Though Jenny seems really well-spoken for a five-year-old. Oh, and I dislike how aggressive the Doctor has been recently.
Cable & Deadpool 11:
Eee, Deadpool's trying to save Cable. Cute. Cable's tea party is... bizarre. And it looks like I might want to familiarize myself with Agent X. Overall, pretty good though it seemed to be missing a lot of the Deadpool-wackiness.
Green Arrow 46:
Oh dear God, I detest the new art. Everyone looks demented, smiling all the time but not normal smiles. No, these are the smiles of "I'm this perky 'cause I just downed a shitload of drugs, and now my face has frozen this way." Tim, especially, smiling like that is wrong. The bodies look weird as well, but they're not as horrible as the faces. And I have a problem with Mia not sharing her H.I.V. status. Superheroes get beat up a lot, which includes getting cut. (This is actually the same problem I have with Mia being a superhero at all. But I'll go with it and see how this issue's handled.) However, to not even tell her teammates? One could argue that most of the team would have some sort of protection against H.I.V. (Kryptonian dna, powers granted by the Greek Gods, etc.), but Tim at least is fully human and therefore vulnerable. Ollie as a soccer dad was cute though.
Justice League Unlimited 05:
Hee. Okay, that was pure, enjoyable fluff. I liked Blue Beetle playing with the other heroes' equipment.
Legends of the Dark Knight 187:
I admit, this I'm reading for the Riddler rather than because I follow the title. The Riddler is now a pretty goth boy. With makeup. He should not be as pretty as he is, but... he is. And everything he does-- down to his gestures-- is so calculated for maximum effect; I love it. Hmm, the formerly homeless man seems to also be the Riddler. Interesting.
Legion of Super-Heroes v5 02:
Dude, there are so many things I'm enjoying about this title. Truthfully, I think the wire things make more sense as implants than Brainy's previous silver disk things. And, hmm, do I sense some antagonism between Brainy and Dream Girl? Element Lad transmutes by touch, which is a nice way of limiting his powers somewhat. Karate Kid is pretty and not white. And it's clearly not an adults vs kids thing going on here, since they saved the U.P. delegates. And this team isn't completely unified if Sun Boy and Chameleon got into fisticuffs. This is also a team full of snarky bitchiness, which often makes me laugh out loud. And everyone's uniform rocks. And the characters rock. It's all eee! Love!
Madrox 05:
Jamie and his dupes are awesome. No, really, they are. ...And now that it's over, I'm sad. This was the last issue? There should be more.
Nightwing 101 and 102:
Okay, this is good. Explain the transition from Robin to Nightwing for me, the new reader who does not want to read all that back history. Also, Dick's adorable in his hoodie and coat. My reaction to Dick's gymnastics and escrima sticks is starting to border on kink; I'm not sure if I should be worried or not. Plus, I always enjoy his circus ties.
Robin 134:
I have not been following this title, but this issue seems to have inspired vast quantities of rage. And I was curious why. And, yes, my reaction is "AUGH, NO!" That is notnotnotnotnot how any person-- unless they were mentally disturbed-- would act. IT WAS ALL SO WRONG! That was not Tim and that was not Bruce! Bad writer, no cookie! And the art makes everyone look like monkeys.
Teen Titans Go! 15:
Sigh. I dislike the art for this title. This cover is a good example of why-- Robin looks like he belongs in that commercial asking for money to feed the starving kids in Africa. I know it's supposed to be an anime-influenced style, but anime at least lets people look healthy. Other than my dissatisfaction over the art, it was cute. A lot like the tv show, which I adore, so I liked this.
Teen Titans v3 20:
This... helped a good deal with wiping the pain of Robin 134 from my mind. This is what grief is like, not that horrible parody going on in Tim's own title. Tim needs hugs! And he finally gets them! This issue is much-needed balm for both Tim and me.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 15:
Okay, this continues to be pretty and fascinating and laugh-out-loud funny. Yay! What more could a gal ask for?
And I watch cartoons. The new Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited.
Teen Titans:
Ahahahahaha, kinky dress up with Robin's uniform! Best part of the entire episode! The rest went exactly as one would predict. But they even got Raven to wear the Robin suit!
Justice League Unlimited:
Okay, this episode kicked ass! Static! And Terry! And old Bruce! And old Bruce-young Bruce! Whoa, I just had a thought. Wouldn't it be scary if Shayera was pregnant in the present?
...Yeah. Me != deep.