I am at work. Work = time to read comics. Time to read comics means time for commentary. Because I like to.
LSH v4 021:
Am I supposed to recognize these two girls? Because I don't.
Why does Jo all of a sudden have such dark skin? ...Or did I just not notice before?
Ahh, that's Darkseid. I recognized him all by myself! ::is proud::
Hrm, so far I have not been grabbed by this title. It's not bad, per se, but there's all sorts of political machinations and plot. And not much chance for the personalities of the characters to shine through. I am very much a person who reads for characters. Plot exists to show off the characters. Here, the plot goes on despite the characters. (At least, that's how it feels to me.) The upshot of all this is that I'm gonna go read something else.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 01:
Yeah, I moved on to something with fewer issues.
Hee, I like Ben. "Talk to me as if I am someone who never knows what you are talking about." And he and Reed make a good team, I think.
Heh, math. Despite being a math major, I really don't like trig. Reed impresses me muchly with his ability to do trig using complex numbers. And, wow, is Reed's dad an ass.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 02:
I am definitely enjoying this more. Plus, the art's prettier. Even if the scientist dude is in serious need of a wash.
Dude, Reed gets his dad a special, custom-made motorcycle and he hates it 'cause it's the wrong color? He is an ass. Poor Reed. Although he's growing up to be pretty cute.
Ew. Did not need to see up the unwashed scientist's nose.
Ahahaha, Johnny helps Reed catch a clue. This comic's cute.
...I think their apple 'sploded.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 03:
I never knew stretchy powers could look so creepy.
Um, why would Victor sabotage his and Reed's work? Or is this part of his characterization that would be more obvious if I was at all familiar with the Fantastic Four beyond their names?
Ooh, it's an elemental-type thing. Wonder if that's new to the Ultimate-verse or not. I think Ben got the short end of the stick, though.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 04:
Ahahahahahaha, I still think "Flame on!" and "Flame off!" is a hilarious battle cry. And I hope I always will.
Aw, poor Ben. He was only there in the first place because he wanted to see Reed. Although, whoa, angry.
Ew, poor Sue in the hands of Dr. Molekevic (the unwashed scientist from earlier), who has taken refuge in the sewers, near as I can tell. ::reads:: Ewwwwww, he's hitting on her.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 05:
I like that Marvel's giving recaps at the beginning of each issue because I have a sieve instead of a brain. But labeling everything "Part __ of Six" makes it seem more like a mini-series than a regular title.
::snicker:: I like Johnny randomly catching fire whenever he gets excited/emotional.
Ahaha, Reed, there is a time and a place to dork out. Climbing down a giant hole to find the monster who may or may not be Sue? Not it. Even if the pictures on the wall are fascinating.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 06:
Eww, Molekevic's creatures are groping him and Sue. Not cool. Serious bad touch.
Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about some of the conversation bits being in parentheses. I understand what they're trying to do, but it reads oddly.
Hee, Sue and Reed are cute. And I predict that this is not the last we'll see of Molekevic.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 07:
Ahh, I think we finally find out what happened to Victor. And I have very little sympathy at the moment for whatever has happened to him. Curiosity, I've got aplenty though.
...Victor's family is psychotic. He's ten, for Pete's sake. He doesn't need the responsibility of being Vlad the Impaler on his shoulders. Nor does might make right, stupid father.
Hee, Sue rocks. "That means you don't get to make out with me without sliding that skinny body of yours into my warm little bioscanner," I would not want to piss her off.
Ooh, explanations about how their powers work. Kickass, science!
And, yes, Reed definitely grew up to be hot.
Yeah, Victor has definitely inherited his family's craziness.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 08:
::snicker:: Talk about your embarrassing conversations. I think Ben might be glad that Reed's asking him if he still goes to the bathroom rather than pretty Sue.
Yes, I freely admit that I am enjoying the science and the tests to figure out what's happened to them.
Heehee, Johnny, you are many things but Justin Timberlake is not one of them. And the girl he's trying to impress calls him on it with, "And you don't have a funny hat." ::reads more:: Aw, go Johnny! Be smart like Dad!
Ultimate Fantastic Four 09:
Oh, I really hope there's more Ben-Johnny stuff in this title. Johnny [thinking up names for himself]: "The Human Incinerator. The Human Firebomb." Ben: "The Human Cigarette Butt." Johnny: "Shaddup." Hee! ::reads more:: Ahahaha. Ben: "Johnny's going to want me to be his super hero partner, isn't he? The Human Microwave Oven and Insulation Boy. Make me die now."
Ultimate Fantastic Four 10:
::looks at cover:: Why is Reed not wearing his glasses?
...Reed is sexy. And sometimes scary.
Yay, I was right-- Ben and Johnny should tag team more often.
Reed: I called it the "fantasti-car."
Ben: Dude, that stinks.
Johnny: Reed, you suck. You beyond suck.
Ben: You fantasti-suck, dude.
Reed: I was thirteen!
Johnny: C'mon, Ben, let's find the fantasti-door and have a fantasti-look inside.
Ben: Yeah. I wanna see if it has a fantasti-can.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 11:
Reed stretching his eyes to make them into binoculars is freaky.
Wow, Doom's got his own cult.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 12:
Yeah. Doom and his cult are kinda fucked up. ::reads more:: Scratch that, Doom is fucked up. Also? Go Reed!
Ultimate Fantastic Four 13:
I think I've figured something else-- the less I comment on an issue, the more I like it. Because when I'm into the story, I won't think to comment, unless something extremely funny and/or cute and/or messed up happens.
...Why is the comic starting with pages from previous issues? ::reads:: ...Oh. This is a different apple than the one that failed to 'splodey at the beginning of the series. Good to know.
Hmm, I see problems for Johnny in later comics if what Reed says about his powers is true. Boy's literally burning himself out.
Dear God, Sue, those are some low-slung pants. I should be able to see your butt crack.
...Johnny noticed Ben's eyes in the ten minutes he knew him before the accident? Hee, I might have to go look for fic.
Ultimate Fantastic Four 14:
::checks:: Yep, this is the latest one I have. Awesome.
And I'm once again struck by Reed's hotness. It's the glasses, I swear. And the science talk.
Ahaha, "The Awesome." Johnny, I think that somehow manages to be a worse name than the fantasti-car.
Dang, it's over. I want more.
And on a completely unrelated note, it is very hard to convince Yanks to eat king cake. ::le sigh:: I am constantly appalled at the foods Northerners deem good. (Okay, not appalled. But they definitely need some help adding spice to stuff.)