Serenity! And tonight's toons.

Oct 02, 2005 02:01

Well, Serenity was really, really good. I've seen it twice now, and I'd also like to state that everyone should go see it. Even if you never saw Firefly, they did a really good job making the movie accessible. (My dad, who only ever saw one ep and is notorious for asking questions during movies, followed it just fine and never once got bored.)

o The only upsetting thing was Wash's death. However, I have already figured out how my version of the movie goes, and Wash lives. He gets his leg amputated, but at least he lives. (I realize the desire to remake the movie just so Wash lives is stupid, but Wash and Zoe's marriage was easily my favorite thing about the show.)

o I loved when Jubal Early went to Inara, and her face barely moves. But it shows so much expression.

o I'm curious about the scene in Firefly where it's revealed to everyone that River's psychic. Because here, it's revealed that Simon was told River was psychic, but in the show he acts as if he doesn't believe she's pyshic. Probably it was more of him keeping info from the crew to protect River.

o Remember that scene where Jayne and Mal were arguing and Mal said, "I wasn't the one that started this thing," and Jayne goes, "Yeah, the Alliance started the war and you volunteered"? I completely expected Mal to then say, "No, it was started when you sold out the Tams at Ariel" or something to that effect.

o I loved what they did with the Reavers. They were scary, their origins made so much sense, and the anticipation is delcious when Mal comes through that cloud and Early's targeting Serenity and you're just waiting for those Reaver ships to break through the clouds as well.

o I'm sad Mr. Universe died; I liked him. He was so... youthful and earnest.

o I wonder what's going to happen to River now. It implied that she was sane now since the memory of Miranda's been purged from her brain, but.... That one scientist said that the process they used to make her psychic often fractured the subject's reality (or something to that effect). And then, during the show, Simon said that she experienced all her emotions all the time at full-force. Also, she's still subliminally programmed to be a weapon. Purging the memory of Miranda won't change the emotion thing or the behavioral modifications. So, even if she's sane, it seems like she'd still be unstable.

o I really, really want a sequel. And, I think it'd be cool if the sequel somehow involved someone from Book's past trying to find him or something he owned (that he'd stolen when he left his Alliance position to start over at the monastery perhaps). Because I'd like to know more about his past, and that seems like an idea that could work.

o My other idea for a sequel would be that it somehow involves the men wearing blue gloves who were after River in "Ariel." Because it seems to me that they were after her because she was their project while in the movie the Parliament was after her because she might know about Miranda. However, I'm not sure it'd be good to have another River-centric plot immediately after Serenity, since its plot was so River-centric.

o The Mal/Inara stuff was done in a way that I really liked! By that, I mean that it was portrayed in a way so I could believe that if they got together, then there's a possibilty it would last. Whereas before, I'd thought they were attracted to each other but a relationship was ultimately doomed to failure.

o I am continually amazed by how graceful Summer Glau is, even though I know she's a ballet dancer.

o In some ways, I think this movie makes more sense if you've never seen the show than if you have.

o I know there was more things I wanted to say....


Teen Titans: Rocked so much. Mento redeemed himself quite well from his assiness in the previous ep, thankfully. (It would have been horrible if I couldn't find anything decent about the guy who raised Beast Boy.) The scenes with Mento and Beast Boy in the second half of the ep were so cute. I find it interesting that they finally said Beast Boy's actual name. And, I really really want to know who all those supreheroes and villains they scrolled past at the end are. (Oooh, story arc.)

Zatch Bell: The more I watch it, the less I hate it. This is annoying because I don't want to like Zatch Bell, but I can't help but find Tia/Zatch kinda cute.

Naruto: Hee, I like that they passed the test. Although, I'm not sure if Naruto ever got the point of the exercise. If it was all about the team, shouldn't he have refused Sasuke and Sakura's lunches? Because by accepting them, he disqualified them from passing. And he seemed rather eager to spread the punishment among them, which again seems to be in Naruto's best interest and not Sasuke's and Sakura's. (Sakura continues to annoy the heck out of me with her inability to say what she's really thinking. And her tunnel vision created by only focusing on how Sasuke's supposedly the love of her life.)

One Piece: At least I still find this show annoying.

Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo: Oh dear God, no.

Inu-Yasha: I have no clue what's going on. The roommate needs to be here so I can ask her questions. (She pimped Inu-Yasha to me; it's her duty to explain stuff to me.)

Fullmetal Alchemist: I was really into this show when it first started, and now I'm apathetic. I have no clue what caused the change, and I'm kinda sad. I like enjoying things. I think it's because I'm far more interested in the secondary characters, but the half of the episode with Ed and Al bores me.

FLCL: More the roommate's kind of show than mine, but not bad.

Samurai Champloo: I'd seen this ep before, but I still love it. The gay, Dutch traveler is so fun. Fuu, Jin, and Mugen are such incompetent tourguides too.

reviews: tv, fandom: teen titans, fandom: fullmetal alchemist, fandom: naruto, reviews: movies, fandom: firefly

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