Book meme ganked from glenraven

Aug 04, 2005 01:23

1. What are you reading right now?
The Mighty Orinoco by Jules Verne, Nevermore by Harold Schechter, and As My Grandfather Told It by Catherine Attla.

2. Longest book you’ve ever read:
Possibly either It or Needful Things (both by Stephen King). If they're not the longest, they're definitely in the top ten or so.

3. Strangest title of a book that you’ve read:
Bimbos of the Death Sun by Sharyn McCrumb.

4. Stupidest ending of a book you’ve read:
I'm going to go with the Everworld series because it did not feel like an ending. Ka Anor's still there! Five minutes after the book ends, he could charge, and then all our protagonists are dead! And, okay, so they made the decision to stay in Everworld; I still wanted to know whether they were able to defeat the god-eating god they've been battling over the course of the series.

5. Which literary character have you related to the most?
I'm going to go with Smitty from The Only Alien on the Planet by Kristen D. Randle. I read the book in junior high, which was a time where I felt like a complete loser that none of my classmates liked. So I identified with Smitty, though I don't anymore. Excepting when I was 11-15 and prone to teenage angst, I've never especially identified with characters.

6. Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction?
Fiction, definitely.

7. Did you have a series of children’s/young adult books that you once enjoyed?
Several; Babysitter's Club, American Girl, and Amelia Bedelia were a few.

8. Can you enjoy reading the source book after seeing the screen adaptation?
Totally. Sometimes I have problems with reading the source book before the movie and then nitpicking till the movie's not enjoyable though.

9. Have you ever read a novelization of a movie or TV show?
I've got a novelization of Star Trek: First Contact on my shelf, so yes. I might also have a few more Star Trek and Buffy novelizations.

10. Book that "turned you on" the most, erotically speaking:
The most recent one that I can think of was the fruit scene The Scarlet Empress by Susan Grant. I don't keep a list of sex scenes that have turned me on in romance novels, so I have no clue which is the most erotic for me. (And that's a stupid question too.)

11. Is there a real-life person that you’ve read more than one book about?
If I'm allowed to count fiction books, I've read one and a half mysteries starring Edgar Allan Poe. (I'm reading the one, so it only counts as a half at the moment.) If fiction doesn't count, then none because I don't really read non-fiction.

12. Book that everyone’s read but you:
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Even my dad, who reads maybe two books a year, has read this one.

13. Favorite "classic" writer/novelist:
Hands down, Jules Verne. If he were alive today, I'd totally stalk him on book tours and at cons.

14. Favorite contemporary novelist (let's say 1950's on):
If we are going by how many books I own by the author, it's easily Rex Stout. Otherwise, there's no way to chose.

15. Favorite short story writer:
Rex Stout because he's the only short story writer I read outside of school assignments.

16. Favorite columnist/journalistic writer:
Dave Barry's pretty funny. And he's got two columns that the mere thought of them has me laughing.

17. Favorite poet:
...This would work better if I knew poetry beyond what I've been forced to read in school. But I'm going to say Ogden Nash because I've always loved "The Duck."

18. Favorite guilty pleasure book or series:
I have no guilty pleasure books because I have no shame! I think my love for time-travel romances and futuristic romances would be considered guilty pleasures by many.

19. Favorite book written by a famous actor or musician:
If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor by Bruce Campbell. I think it's the only book I've read by a famous musician or actor, but it is really funny.

20. Author whose work you once enjoyed but no longer do:
Jayne Ann Krentz. I read, like, twenty books of hers in a row and realized they were all the same, so I stopped reading them. (I will admit to being a hypocrite and liking the books she's written as Jayne Castle. But those are futuristic romances, and a futuristic romance has to be really bad to get me not to read it.)

21. Favorite comics/graphic fiction author:
Not a clue. For as many comics as I read, I pay no attention whatsoever to writers or artists. I will say that what I know I've read of Devin Grayson I've liked and that I have a few writers I try to stay away from.

Well, that was a fun waste of forty minutes.

books, meme: books, meme

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