"The stories you tell. The art of your telling."

Feb 09, 2009 23:51

Things to bring cheer today:

The Unpopular Woman Post has become even better. There are so many comments of love that the OP, bofoddity, is editing the original post with a table of contents for the comments - so you can easily see the recs and vids and fiction and other lovely things for your favourite under-loved character. Chloe and Inara and characters from NCIS have been added since last I told you to go read this. Now, go read this.

The comments to this post, pretty much poking fun at the idea that we LJers are a bunch of sockpuppets what with not using our 'real names' and all, made me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. You may find them a bit pointed at times, or if you've assiduously avoided RaceFail 09, opaque, but me, I needed that. Maggie also links to a phenomenally awesome Fossil of Doom. Which is not at all, I'm sure, intended to make a connection between some ideas and fossils. Pure chance.

femslash, gcadod09

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