The dog is snoring in his Port-A-Crate. Snoring animals amuse me greatly. :)
It's been four weeks since I
potted up my
seedlings. I regret to report that they are dead, except for one zinnia which will probably expire by the time we clear out of this house. I put them by the front door. Temperatures have maxed in the 90°s F most days; during the first week or two that the plants were out there, we had a few days nearing 100°. I guess watering twice a week or so wasn't enough. Actually, I didn't even try to save them once I noticed they were dying. Because they are outdoors out of my sight and I was preoccupied with school and packing, they haven't been much on my mind. I was thinking I'd give away the pots of plants to friends here, but instead I guess I'll be taking the pots of soil with me.
Now that I'm done with school, I've had the time and inclination (if grudging) to walk the dog in the mornings again, and I've noticed more insect activity than a couple months ago: grasshoppers and large ants. The other night when
aristeros and I returned from going out to eat, we discovered a great big hunting spider by the doorframe inside the garage. He took a picture of it, but I don't know where he put the camera; perhaps I'll post the photo later.