Jan 24, 2010 15:35
I swear I had a lot to write about and now it's all gone. I'm getting old (31 in a few weeks), and losing my memory. I had kind of a shitty week. I don't normally get all bent out of shape over political things, but between Scott Brown and the supreme court ruling about corporate spending during elections, I'm not very thrilled with the US right now. I would be curious to hear what Scott Brown thinks of the supreme court though. He pretty much did nothing but blather about how he was going to stop corporations and lobbyists from putting politicians in their pockets and now it's just so much easier for them to do it.
Well, that's democracy for you.
Now, on the subject of Scott Brown. People are blaming the economy, people are blaming Coakley (who did completely blow it) but lets remember who's fault this really is: Ten Kennedy.
No! Not because he died. When Romney was governor and Teddy felt the reaper stalking him, he was afraid that Romney would appoint some facist right winger to the senate if Kennedy died or had to retire. So what did he do? He made the push to change the law to this "special election" nonsense. If Ted Kennedy hadn't done that Deval Patrick would have made an appointment and we'd be done with it. Do you think he'd have even considered Scott Brown?
This just goes back to one of my core beliefs about justice: You shouldn't change the law for one person. I said it when the republicans talked of altering rules so the Governator could run for president (thankfully those talks went nowhere). I said it when the whole Terry Schiavo debacle went down. And I even said it when this whole change from appointment to special election happened back when Teddy was alive.
Bah. Between that and Conan O'Brien leaving, I'm really disgusted with humanity right now. And we had to put my parents dog down. She was only 8. Not a good week.
Well, it wasn't entirely bad. I made some serious hot sauce in preparation for my birthday party where I will be cooking six racks of ribs, nachos, and whatever else I can come up with. Tonight I'm making goat cheese, fig, and prosciutto pizza which I'm pretty sure will be orgasmic. I've got to be a pretty bad jew when nothing cheers me up but pork products.
In other news my car hit 10k miles. I was hoping to make it to the 100th day of school before that happened but put in such simple numbers I can see that would have been impossible. I'm definitely going to hit 20k before the school year is up.
Other other news...
I was invited to celebrate Robert Burns Night, which as best as I can tell is a scottish seder. There's lamb, and booze, and recitations, and family (though in this case not mine). I can't think of any more updates to make but I do want to start writing here more. I was perusing my old entries yesterday and some of what I wrote was actually clever. I just have no time, no time. My life is drastically different than it was a year ago. I mean, not that I was writing much then, and not that I'd advocate underemployment and sloth as a lifestyle, but it sure was easier. And I slept more. But I completely kicked my coffee habit, something I've managed to maintain even though I'm now waking up at 5:30am.
My students are all getting accepted to colleges, and I try to tell them that state schools are fine and would save them money. But then I wonder what would have happened had I decided to go to UMass Amherst instead of Hartwick. You want to talk completely different life? I can't even imagine what my life would be like had I not gone there. With the exception of my wife and maybe one other person, I don't have nearly as close a friendship with anyone I've met post college as I have with the people I met while I was there. So I don't know what to tell these kids, I mean, I'm still paying for Hartwick. And will continue for several more years, but would I have met the same caliber of people somewhere else? Maybe, but not likely. I miss you guys. You know who you are.