Title: The Ghost
Rating: PG
Summary: Sehun's in university currently doing an internship. His workplace is creepy.
Notes: Part of a university!AU drabble series I'm planning.
Chat with Jongin Kim
--- Monday, 14 October 2013 - 13:04 ---
Sehun Oh
Jongin Kim
Sehun Oh
I just found out this place used to be a funeral home. Like, our boardroom was where they would take the bodies and like drain out the guts and shit?! IT’S CURSED THERE IS A GHOST HERE I’M TELLING YOU.
Jongin Kim
hahahahahahahahaha creepy
Sehun Oh
I’m serious, that’s why it’s always so cold in here and LIKE I HEAR WEIRD SOUNDS SOMETIMES and we were all in a meeting just now and when I got back MY MONITORS WERE SWITCHED like the windows I had open in my left monitor were suddenly on the right THERE IS A GHOST HERE!
Jongin Kim
Sehun Oh
I’m scared.
Jongin Kim
Tough ghost, switching monitors, you gotta watch out for him.
Sehun Oh
Jongin Kim
I’m not sure what I find funnier, the fact that you are freaking out about your monitors or the fact that you actually think ghosts are real.
Sehun Oh
This ghost is real man. I just hope it’s not malicious.
Jongin Kim
“So did I tell you about the ghost at work?” Sehun asked Yixing over lunch that weekend.
“Ghost?” said Yixing curiously.
“Yeah! Like my building is super cold all the time, and I was always thinking at the back of my mind, oh what if it’s haunted? And then I find out during a meeting that the place used to be a funeral home once, and when I come back from the meeting my monitors have been switched! Like the windows I had opened were swapped!”
“Weird dude! It’s like, the ghost was speaking to you and letting you know it was there!”
“Jongin doesn’t believe me.”
“No man, you should name it!”
“Oh, I never thought of that. That’s kind of creepy though. Like giving this spirit an actual name.”
“True. Maybe just call him The Ghost. With caps. Or TG for short.”
“TG. I like it.”