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Nov 14, 2009 12:50

  • Dementia drug use 'killing many' - BBC News, via MindHacks

    Needless use of anti-psychotic drugs is widespread in dementia care and contributes to the death of many patients, an official review suggests.
    About 180,000 patients a year are given the drugs in care homes, hospitals and their own homes to manage aggression.
    But the expert review - commissioned by ministers - said the treatment was unnecessary in nearly 150,000 cases and was linked to 1,800 deaths.
    The government in England has agreed to take steps to reduce use of the drugs.

  • Об этом же со ссылками на научные публикации в блоге "поразительный мир психиатрии".
  • побочные эффекты, критика психиатрии, антипсихотики

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