Joanna Moncrieff (Джоанна Монкрифф)

Jul 18, 2009 14:51

(via MindHacks)

  • 'The myth of the chemical cure' - BBC News
  • Do Antidepressants Cure or Create Abnormal Brain States? - PLoS Medicine (Антидепрессанты - исправление или индукция аномальных состояний сознания?)
  • Drugs - no free lunch debate - Frontier Psychiatrist blog:
    ..Psychiatry is particularly vulnerable to drug company tactics. Our sketchily defined diseases provide opportunities for increasing product sales as they allow scope for expanding definitions of sickness, for instance depression, social phobia, female sexual dysfunction, to include more and more areas of social and personal difficulty not previously within the medical realm and thereby sell more medication. Overall this has been a very successful tactic and antidepressant prescribing increased 173% from 1991 to 2001. The UK’s overall drug spending has increased from 3.9% GDP in 1960 to 7.7% GDP in 2002..
  • психиатры, критика психиатрии, антидепрессанты, ссылки

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