(Спасибо MElene с форума neuroscience.ru за
Neuronal circuits can now be seen in a multicolour 'brainbow'.
Nature webfocus: Circuits and innate behaviour
"The method - described by neuroscientists at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in today’s Nature - allows researchers to see more clearly how individual neurons connect with each other by colouring each one from a palette of about 90 shades. In this way they will be able to build up a detailed diagram of the brain's wiring, which will help to study how it computes."
Jean Livet et al. Transgenic strategies for combinatorial expression of fluorescent proteins in the nervous system Nature 450, 56-63 (1 November 2007) doi:10.1038/nature06293 ("Трансгенные стратегии для осуществления комбинаторной экспрессии флуоресцентных белков в нервной системе".)