Saxby Pridmore's book "Download of psychiatry". Free of charge, in PDFs.

Feb 03, 2007 19:23

Pridmore, Saxby (2006) Download of Psychiatry. University of Tasmania.

The University of Tasmania DOWNLOAD OF PSYCHIATRY (DOP) is freely accessible information about mental disorders and psychiatry, at about medical student level. It can be used an alternative textbook, and may be of interest to a wider audience.The DOP is copyright. Users are very welcome to print out the entire document. However, photocopies or commercial gain is not to be made without the express permission of the author.

P.S. Саксби Придмор (Saxby Pridmore) - директор отдела психологической медицины Королевского Госпиталя города Хобарт (Австралия). Исследует транскраниальную магнитную стимуляцию (rTMS) в качестве метода клинической терапии.

P.P.S. Интересный отзыв о книге одного из бывших учеников Саксби Придмора.

психиатрия, ссылка, psychiatry, book, книга

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