I feel the need....

May 19, 2005 08:04

Just felt the need to make an announcement - going to see a first showing for the last in the Star Wars movies tonite! :D i know its prob very lame, but my daughter literally grew up watching star wars - at the first movie i had to read the rolling story line to her - i think she's more excited than i am. never went to an opening night :O - just better be a bathroom near by, if i have to stand in line for more than 2 hrs!! we have tickets already, and its a mega-plex-large-screen thing - so...nerdy or not, i'm up for it.
i think the only reason i'm posting this is, haven't been gabbing with any one much lately - for various reasons. on my part, i've been busy here, so even if i find someone on, i usually have to keep bugging out :(.
hope everyone's doing ok in their life, with all the shit going on for everyone (aims a large kick at the FH factor) - i'm doing ok, no real shit happening - might be better if i had some major shit going on, give me something to grab on to and shake!! my life is blah, pointless, unfullinging, usual crap - biggest thing going on now? looking for ways to help potty train my grandson - oh, and also looking for ways to make it thru a marriage i feel trapped in :D woo hoo
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