my life is over.

Jul 28, 2012 14:49

Things I am trying to do:
1. Figure out how to implement Applied Behaviour Analysis in the Classroom. I had an AMAZING breakfast date with a good friend and she works with children on the Autism spectrum and is just SO WISE when it comes to different strategies and concepts with managing behaviours that I was basically soaking in all she said. I know my class is going to be VERY challenging and I'm nervous but having these things to look at and study is helping.

2. Write my "letter of Resignation" for the Movie theatre. Should be a cakewalk, but for some reason it is not.

3. Catch up on teen wolf. (it's a thing in my life)

1. OHBIJOU! If you are not a fan, you really should be.

image Click to view

So lovely right!? so lovely.

2. PICTURES OF J2 from years and years ago. I blame lavishsqualor and her birthday PICSPAM EMAIL that I sent. I sent her pictures of the boys from way back in the day that I had used to LURE her from the talons of Vampire Diaries.
for example:

What the flip? How can I get work done when they are all TAN AND DELICIOUS LOOKING? Life is unfair.

SHOULDERS. unfair. RUDE and unfair.

What the fuck? HOW DARE YOU BE DRUNK AND AWESOME. sometimes I remember and think back to the times around soapbox durby and when they lived together and just HOW I WAS SUCH A TINHAT but not really but seriously but not but YES.

My favourite cap of ALL TIME. OF ALL TIME.

3. AND THEN THERE ARE GOLF PICTURES OF ONE DIRECTION AND LOVELY DRUNKEN HARRY STYLES AND I CAN'T DO THIS YOU GUYS! I honestly can't do this. I spent my afternoon watching their DUMB documentary and just crying at how many emotions I am having over them.



his stupid face.

Why does this give me feelings? I love car pics.

BRINGING THE PAYNE. seriously. I don't have an answer for this one, it just exists and therefore I must acknowledge it's existence and bask in the glow!

4. BOYS IN WAYFARERS. If I ever were to start a shameless blog (okay, all of my blogging is shameless and completely indefensible.) I would call that blog BOIZ IN WAYFARERSSSSSS and it would consist of my favourite boys in my favourite shades

Adam Scott: I know this one direction stuff is kind of making you less of a priority in my life, but just know that you will always be my number one wayfarer wearer.

My Niall feelings are getting out of hand. I just love this stupid blonde-coiffed-little dude.

I almost forgot about these two beautiful souls.

stop it harold.

There are other things, but I sincerely must write that letter and it's not fair.


all of the pictures come from various places or were hidden in the depths of my computer for years and years, I didn't art any of them
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