
Aug 18, 2011 12:19

I always forget how some of my friends are in relationships, and one of my friends put it well: that some of them make the same mistakes all the time. One of our friends is in a new relationship he's very infatuated with and very happy about. I'm glad for him, but I can see this being a rocky road.

What I forgot is that he tells his girlfriends everything with all of our friends, not that this is a bad thing, as I think I did the same thing, but she decided to weigh in on the problem of the moment. While she maybe had some right in it, and the friend involved was wrong, she was not enough in it to cause the blow up she did. She's a very nice person, don't get me wrong, but I feel like she has this thing where she tries to do-right the problems we have and fix them for us in the way she deems better.

As I mentioned, this may cause some tension among us. (Probably not though, since most of us are leaving.) I encountered a similar problem where I asked him to ask her not to post pictures I knew would hurt me. But she did because she felt I should face reality. Say what. You don't even know me. For me, it was a respect thing, and whatnot and I just didn't want to be hurt any more than I already was/am. There was the problem in that, and the problem in that our friend tends to actually get mad at you if you don't agree with her.

I'm one for being supportive of a significant other and what not, but I would never get mad at my friends for not agreeing with them. What in the hey. Everyone has their own opinions. But I guess my guy friends tend to become so infatuated with their relationships, they actually become blindsided and can't remember simple things like that. Or that maybe your SO should chill when they doesn't know the extent of our problems. Or maybe I don't want him/her knowing my life just yet?  Or that I probably won't always agree with him/her cause I'm different. Whatever, next time he [whoever] gets mad, I'm just gonna punch them in kidney. :O  

friends, problems, relationships

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