Aug 23, 2012 00:25
When I skyped Chris to chat to him about his girlfriend cheating situation, he suggested I go to therapy.
Amidst the conversation, we somehow came around to me returning home. Thinking this situation might change his view, he asked me how I would feel if he was hanging out with my ex and the girl and I said it wouldn't be ok. The whole issue is the past is in the present, and he won't give me closure.
Chris replied to me that the past isn't in the present because the mistake was a while ago. No, I countered, the mistake is her and she's still here and he's not doing anything. Won't give me closure, won't apologise, so I'm not happy with it, obviously. It's the least he could do.
Chris then told me maybe I should go to therapy if I'm not over it yet.
I wasn't really apalled by the suggestion, but more aggravated that he still had this ridiculous view. Frustrated, I said to him, how about you tell my ex to go to therapy? After all, that was part of why he was getting help from this girl was to finally go and I really doubt he has, and might as well use her to the fullest advantage possible. Someone asked me if I knew over Christmas if he'd gone yet? Uhh no. And I'm not friends enough to ask him anymore. They won't either. Too afraid.
Additionally, I am dealing with it by being alone and working my way through it, aware of myself. Not only that, but he seems to forget Glenn wasn't a random, he was my friend and then best friend THEN boyfriend. Losing thrice over is hard, and I move at my own pace.
Additionally, I added how would you feel if I hung out with Emily and the guy she cheated on you with? Because how does he still not get this?
It wasn't the smartest of moves, but how can you manage to annoy me when I've come on to listen to you despite the fact that I haven't heard from you.
Ugh, I'm such a...
feeling far away,
keeping in touch,
but do i know what i'm talking about,
keeping a distance