Jan 10, 2007 19:57
I've had all my classes now. Shakespeare will be fun, but lots of reading. Expository Writing II will be lots of writing, but might benefit me in the long run. American Lit I is a huge class, but sounds like it will be interesting. I know 6 other people in there so that's cool. Michigan History will be interesting. The prof seems pretty cool and gave us a bunch of Michigan Trivia today. 20th Century Pop Culture sounds like the info will be alright, but the class is going to drive me insane. People actually believe that Shakespeare is not a significant contributor to Popular Culture...I want to just beat them all with a 2x4. What do you think the movie "10 things I hate about you" stems from? It's "The Taming of the Shrew" scene for scene only modernized....*headdesk*
People frustrate me to no end. Somedays I wish I could just shoot the people who tick me off...but then I remember that I'm against guns and that shooting someone would be bad....
But what's the verdict on poison? j/k...
Other than stupid, uninformed people, things are going well. I've got a lot of spare time right now, but I know it's false spare time since the full coursework hasn't kicked in. Oh well, here's to trying to put it off :-).
Kate's bday party is Friday, Nick's birthday is coming up too and I'm excited for him. I love that goober.